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The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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About This Bible

The Septuagint LXX was written around 300 BC. Jesus and the 12 Apostles, as well as Paul, all read from the Septuagint in Greek, not the supposed Hebrew Bible. The Septuagint LXX was translated by 70 (LXX) translators who independently did a translation of the Ancient Hebrew Bible (no Ancient Hebrew copies exist today), 300 years before Christ was born. But we do have the Septuagint LXX, with some parts verifiably dating back to before Christ within 100 years of the original translation.

Note that this Bible contains the Old and New testaments. The Septuagint was written in 300BC. The New Testament was not written until after Jesus' ministry, so all of the New Testament, which was also in Greek, was written between the 40s and the 90s AD. So, the source for the Old Testament comes from the original Greek Septuagint from around 300 BC, but the New Testament comes from the original Greek written in the late first century, after Jesus ascended to heaven.

Source of this Bible

This version was made by pure text extraction of the entire Bible from, via the Septuagint LXX website, who had originally compiled this for us all for free. But because that is interlinear, it is not easy to simply read as the original Bible. This is why I compiled the exact text word for word in readable format in English to make this Bible.

I personally created a python script and did not touch the original text. I simply extracted every word in order into files and created this website around it. AI never touched the text of this Bible. No one touched it, it is straight from the interlinear provided by Septuagint LXX.

The author of Septuagint LXX website says this on his About page:

I was born from above and baptized in God's Spirit in 1997... For the first 20 years, I focused my studies on what is called the [Hebrew] Masoretic Text translated into English through the King James Version Bible. And I always noticed the differences between the Old Testament passages quoted through the New Testament.

After praying and seeking God for the answer to this discrepancy, I was lead to the Septuagint (LXX). There, I found the answer to many of the questions I had, and many more answers I didn't know to ask. Now, after three solid years of studying the Old Testament in Greek, I decided to start this page and put together the resources which helped me to understand how important the Septuagint is! >> Source

I found the same. Many of the texts in the Septuagint give clarity that the Hebrew, including KJV, simply lack. Therefore, I also used his interlinear to study the Greek words, anytime that I have a question, and sometimes am shocked, and other times appalled, to find that the Bibles I read all my life had such gross inaccuracies and outright falsehoods. Therefore I became passionate about the Septuagint as the true Word of God.

Precise Copy

A machine (not AI), using Python, using a script I personally programmed, systematically copied the text into files on my server word by word. This eliminated human error. Don't trust a machine? Do you trust a calculator? While there is an extremely unlikely chance of an error, if you find an error, let me know.

I have not directly verified the Greek interlinear, however it is from a credible authority. I did find that the Johannine Comma (1 John 5:7–8, which was a supposed footnote by a translator and probably not in the original version) exists in this text, however I cannot speak to it and I removed nothing and touched nothing. I don't know how it got here.

Word Order

Additionally, Greek has a different word order. In the interlinear, this is denoted by brackets [ ] with a supertext to read in the correct order. This is hard for readability. To make this Bible readable, I wrote a script to order all of the bracketed text to be in the correct work order by number, which is the correct way to read it, and removed the brackets, because it was simply a translator's element only necessary for interlinear.

For example, [ 2 scriptures 1 holy ] is intended to be read in numerical order, "holy scriptures", therefore I have systematically rendered it in the correct reading order. As with everything, I used a Python script to rearrange the brackets in the correct numerical sequence to convert to proper English readability. Nothing was altered.

Interlinear Links

Moreover, I have inserted into every chapter at the top left navigation a link directly to the interlinear text at the source it was gathered from,, which is directly linked to by the Septuagint LXX website. I hope this helps for reference. Note that that site is sometimes slow, so keep it in mind.

Credibility of the Septuagint

The Dead Sea Scrolls are not the original Bible, and all scrolls that have been scrutinized have been found to be forgeries, including the entire collection of scrolls at the Museum of the Bible.

The dead sea "Hebrew" scrolls were supposedly found 1 year before the re-creation of the modern nation-state of Israel (in 1948), lending to very suspicious circumstances. These scrolls gave credibility to revive the nation-state of Israel, which had been dead for 2,600 years since it was destroyed in 721 BC (Jesus lived in Judah, not Israel). Add to that that square script is Babylonian, not the Hebrew language; and that all scrolls scrutinized have been found to be forgeries, then the "Hebrew" bible cannot be trusted and is likely a false translation.

The "Hebrew Bible" has no copies older than around 1000 years (around the time of the Khazarian Empire), while the Septuagint is 2,300 years old and verifiable pieces dating to 200 BC, 2,200 years ago. Because the "Hebrew" Bible, written in Babylonian square script, which is not the alphabet of Ancient Hebrew, lacks age and credibility, then the true Bible is most likely the Greek Septuagint LXX.
>> Read more about Septuagint vs Hebrew Bible

Enjoy God's Word from Greek to English

I hope that you enjoy reading the only original Septuagint LXX in readable format in English on the internet, as far as I could tell. I searched far and wide, but could not find a good readable format, or from a trustworthy source. Therefore I built this website so that you can read God's Word unhindered, as can I myself.

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1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles


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Song of Songs

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1 Corinthians

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2 Corinthians

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1 Thessalonians

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2 Thessalonians

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1 Timothy

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2 Timothy

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1 Peter

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2 Peter

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1 John

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2 John


3 John



