The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 9

9:1And undertaking, Job says,

9:2In truth I know that it is so; for how shall there be a just mortal before the lord?

9:3For if he should want to enter into judgment with him, in no way shall God obey him, so that he shall not contradict with one word of his from out of a thousand.

9:4For he is wise in thought, fortified also, and great. Who being hard before him even made peace?

9:5The mountains of old even do not know the one eradicating them in anger.

9:6The one shaking the thing under heaven from its foundations, and the columns of it shake.

9:7The one speaking to the sun, and it does not rise; and accordingly he seals up the stars.

9:8The one stretching the heaven alone, and walking upon the sea as upon a floor.

9:9The one making Pleiades and Hesperus and Arcturus, and the chambers of the south.

9:10The one doing great and untraceable things; honorable also, and extraordinary things which there is no number.

9:11If he should pass over me, in no way shall I behold it; and if he should go by me, neither thus I knew it.

9:12If he dismisses, who returns? or who shall say to him, What did you do?

9:13God will not turn away the anger, but under him the whales under heaven were bent.

9:14But then should he obey me, or shall he litigate my things?

9:15For even if I should be just shall he listen not to me? his equity I will beseech.

9:16And if I should call and he should hearken, I do not trust that he has listened to my voice.

9:17He should not obliterate me by dimness; but many of my bruises he has made without cause.

9:18For he allows me not to breathe, and he filled me with bitterness.

9:19For indeed by strength he prevails; who then shall oppose his judgment?

9:20For if I might be just, my mouth will be impious; and though I might be blameless, I shall turn out perverse.

9:21For whether I was impious, I do not know in soul; besides, life is removed from me.

9:22Therefore I said, he destroys the great and mighty one in wrath.

9:23For the vile are extraordinary in death, but the just are ridiculed.

9:24For they are delivered into the hands of the impious; he covers up the faces of her judges; but if not he, who is it?

9:25But my existence is lighter than a runner; my days ran away, and they knew it not.

9:26Or also is there a trace of ships in the way? or a trace of an eagle flying seeking prey?

9:27For if also I said, I shall forget about speaking, I will stoop down my countenance and I will moan.

9:28I shake in all my limbs, for I know that you will not let me be innocent.

9:29But since I am impious, for why is this I labor in vain?

9:30For if I should wash myself off with snow, and should clear away my hands clean,

9:31fittingly in my filth you dipped me; and my apparel abhorred me.

9:32For you are not a man like me, with whom I can judge by comparison, that we should come with one accord for judgment.

9:33If indeed our mediator was present, and the one reproving, and the one hearing between both,

9:34let him dismiss the rod from me, and let not the fear of him whirl about,

9:35and in no way shall I fear, but I will speak, for I am not thus conscious of guilt.