The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 26

26:1And it took place in the eleventh year, day one of the month, the word of the lord came to me, saying,

26:2O son of man, because Sor said against Jerusalem, Well done, she was broken; she had destroyed the nations; she was turned to me -- she that was full was made desolate.

26:3On account of this, thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I am against you, O Sor, and I will lead against you many nations as the sea ascends with her waves.

26:4And they shall throw down the walls of Sor; and they shall throw down your towers; and I will winnow her dust from her, and I will make her into a smooth rock.

26:5She will be for a refreshing of dragnets in the midst of the sea; for I have spoken, says Adonai the lord, and she will be for plunder to the nations.

26:6And her daughters in the plain shall be done away with by sword; and they shall know that I am the lord.

26:7For thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I bring against you, O Sor, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the north (he is king of kings) with horses, and chariots, and horsemen, and a gathering of many nations, exceedingly.

26:8This one will do away with your daughters in the plain by the sword; and he will appoint against you an advance guard, and he will enclose you, and he will put a trench around you, and he will enclose upon you with a siege mound round about, and a surrounding of shields, and he shall appoint his lances before you.

26:9He will demolish your walls and your towers with his own weapons.

26:10From the multitude of his horses their dust shall cover you; and from the sound of his horsemen and the wheels of his chariots your walls shall be shaken at his entering your gates, as one entering into a city from the plain.

26:11With the hoofs of his horses they shall trample all your squares; they shall do away with your people by sword; and the support of your strength they shall bring down to the ground.

26:12And he shall plunder your force, and shall despoil your possessions, and shall throw down your walls, and shall demolish your desirable houses. And your stones, and your wood, and your dust he will cast into the midst of the sea.

26:13And he will rest up the multitude of your musicians. And the sound of your psalteries in no way shall be heard any longer.

26:14And I will make you for a smooth rock. You will be a place for freshening dragnets. In no way shall you be rebuilt any more; for I the lord spoke, says Adonai the lord.

26:15For thus says the lord to Sor, Shall not at the sound of your downfall in the moaning of the wounded in the unsheathing of the sword in your midst the islands shake?

26:16And all the rulers of the sea shall go down from their thrones, and they shall remove their mitres, and they shall take off their colored clothes. They shall be startled by a change of state upon the earth. They shall be seated and shall fear their destruction, and they shall moan over you.

26:17And they shall take a lamentation over you, and shall say to you, O how you were destroyed and deposed from the sea, O praiseworthy city, who was strong in her sea, and the ones inhabiting her, the one putting her fear in all her inhabitants.

26:18And the islands shall fear from the day of your downfall; and the islands shall be disturbed in the sea from your expedition.

26:19For thus says the Lord the lord; Whenever I should appoint you a city for being made desolate, as the cities not being dwelt in, in my leading the deep upon you, and much water shall cover you up,

26:20that I will bring you down to the ones having gone down into the pit, to the people of the eon. And I shall settle you into the depths of the earth, as an eternal desolation with ones going down into the pit, so that you should not be inhabited upon the land of life.

26:21I will appoint you for destruction, and you shall not exist any longer. And you shall seek and not find into the eon, says Adonai the lord.