The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 11

11:1And a rod shall come forth from out of the root of Jesse; and a flower from out of his root shall ascend.

11:2And spirit of the lord will be caused to rest upon him; a spirit of wisdom and understanding; a spirit of counsel and strength; a spirit of knowledge and piety;

11:3a spirit of the fear of God shall fill him up. He shall not judge according to the glory of man, nor shall he reprove according to the speech.

11:4But he shall judge the case of the lowly, and shall reprove for the lowly of the earth. And he shall strike the earth by the word of his mouth; and by the breath through his lips he shall do away with the impious.

11:5And righteousness will be tied around his loin; and his sides with truth being wrapped around.

11:6And the wolf shall be fed together with the lamb; and the leopard shall be refreshed together with the kid; and a young calf and a lion and a bull shall graze together; and a small child shall lead them.

11:7And the ox and bear shall graze together, and their offspring will be together; and the lion shall eat straw as an ox.

11:8And a child, an infant at burrows of asps, and at the bed of the progeny of asps, will put his hand.

11:9And in no way shall they do evil nor be able to destroy any one upon my holy mountain. For the whole area is filled up to know the lord, as much water to cover up the sea.

11:10And it will be in that day the root of Jesse, and the one rising up to rule nations -- upon him nations shall hope. And his rest will be honor.

11:11And it will be in that day the lord will proceed to show his hand to be jealous for the vestige of the people left behind, which ever should be left behind by the Assyrians, and by Egypt, and by Babylon, and by Ethiopia, and by the Elamites, and by the dawn of the sun, and from out of Arabia.

11:12And he shall lift a sign unto the nations. And he will bring together the ones being destroyed of Israel. And he will gather the ones being dispersed of Judah from out of the four wings of the earth.

11:13And the jealousy of Ephraim shall be removed, and the enemies of Judah shall be destroyed. Ephraim shall not be jealous of Judah, and Judah will not afflict Ephraim.

11:14And they shall fly in the boast of the Philistines west; together they shall despoil even the ones from the dawn of the sun, and Edom; and they shall put hands upon Moab first; but the sons of Ammon at first shall obey.

11:15And the lord shall make the sea of Egypt desolate; and he shall put his hand upon the river by a violent wind, and he shall strike seven ravines, so as to travel over it in sandals.

11:16And there shall be a corridor to the one being left behind of my people, to the one being left behind from the Assyrians. And it will be to Israel as in the day when they came forth from out of the land of Egypt.