The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 12

12:1And he shall say in that day, I shall bless you, O lord, because you were provoked to anger against me, and you turned away your rage, and showed mercy on me.

12:2Behold, my God, my deliverer; I will be yielding upon him, and I will not be fearful. Because the lord is my glory and my praise; and it became to me for deliverance.

12:3Then draw water with gladness from out of the springs of deliverance!

12:4And you shall say in that day, Sing praise to the lord! Yell out his name! Announce among the nations his honorable deeds! Mention that his name was exalted!

12:5Sing praise to the name of the lord! for he did high things. Announce these things in all the earth!

12:6Exult and be glad, O ones dwelling in Zion! for the holy one of Israel is exalted in the midst of her.