The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 13

13:1The vision against Babylon which Isaiah son of Amoz beheld.

13:2Lift up a sign upon a mountain plain! Raise up high the voice to them! Do not fear! Call for aid with the hand! Open, O rulers!

13:3I order and I lead them; giants come to fill my rage, rejoicing together and insulting.

13:4A voice of many nations upon the mountains, like many nations; a voice of kings and nations being brought together. The lord of Hosts has given charge to a nation of armed warriors.

13:5They come from out of a land at a distance, from the extremity of the foundation of the heaven; the lord and his armed warriors, to ruin all the world.

13:6Shriek! for the day of the lord is near, and destruction by God shall come.

13:7Because of this every hand shall be loosened, and every soul of man shall be timid.

13:8And the ambassadors shall be disturbed, and they shall have their pangs as a woman giving birth; and they shall lament together, another to another; and they shall be startled; and they shall change countenance as a flame.

13:9For behold the day of the lord comes; incurable rage and anger to make the world desolate, and to destroy the sinners from out of it.

13:10For the stars of the heaven, and Orion, and all the cosmos of the heaven shall not give of their light; and the rising of the sun shall be made dark, and the moon shall not give her light.

13:11And I charge evils to the entire world, and to the impious their sins; and I shall destroy the insolence of lawless ones; and I will abase the insolence of the proud.

13:12And the ones being left will be more rare than unfired gold; and a man will be more rare than the stone, the one of Ophir.

13:13For the heaven shall be enraged, and the earth shall be shaken from out of its foundation, because of the rage of the anger of the lord of Hosts in the day which ever his rage should come about.

13:14And the ones being left behind will be as a young doe fleeing, and as a sheep wandering; and there is no one gathering so as for a man to return to his people; and a man shall take flight unto his own place.

13:15For who ever should capture shall be vanquished; and the ones who are being brought together shall fall by sword.

13:16And they shall dash their children before them; and they shall despoil their houses; and they shall have their women.

13:17Behold, I rouse against you the Medes -- the ones not considering silver, nor have need of gold.

13:18They shall break the bows of young men,, and in no way shall they show mercy upon your children, nor shall their eyes spare your children.

13:19And Babylon will be (the place which is called honorable by the king of the Chaldeans) in which manner God eradicated Sodom and Gomorrah.

13:20It shall not be dwelt in into the eon, nor shall they enter into it through many generations, nor shall the Arabians go through it, nor shepherds in any way shall rest in it.

13:21And wild beasts shall rest there, and they shall fill up the houses with a sound; and sirens shall rest there, and demons will dance there.

13:22And satyrs shall dwell there, and hedgehogs shall build a nest in their houses.