The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 14

14:1Quickly it comes, and shall not pass time, and their days in no way shall drag. And the lord shall show mercy on Jacob, and will choose yet Israel, and they shall rest upon their land; and the foreigner shall be added to them, and they shall be added to the house of Jacob.

14:2And nations shall take them, and bring them into their place; and they shall inherit them, and they shall be multiplied upon the land of God for manservants and maidservants; and the ones capturing them shall be captives; and they shall dominate the ones dominating them.

14:3And it will be in that day the lord will rest you from the grief, and your rage, and your hard slavery of which you slaved for them.

14:4And you shall take up this wailing against the king of Babylon, and you shall say in that day, O how the one exacting has been rested, and the taskmaster has been rested!

14:5The lord broke the yoke of the sinners, the yoke of the rulers.

14:6Having struck a nation in rage with an incurable calamity; hitting a nation with a calamity of rage, which he spared not, he rested persuading.

14:7All the earth yells with gladness.

14:8And the trees of Lebanon shall be gladdened against you, and the cedar of Lebanon, saying, From of which time you were laid low, there ascended not one felling us.

14:9Hades from below was embittered meeting with you; all the giants ruling the earth were risen up together against you, the ones rising from their thrones, all the kings of the nations.

14:10All shall answer and shall say to you, You also captured as even we; and are you reckoned among us?

14:11Your glory went down into Hades, your great gladness; underneath you they shall make a bed of putrefaction, and the worm shall be your covering.

14:12O how the morning star fell from out of the heaven -- the one rising by morning; the one sending to all the nations was broken unto the earth.

14:13But you said in your heart, Unto the heaven I shall ascend; I will put my throne upon the stars of the heaven; I shall sit on a high mountain, upon the high mountains towards the north;

14:14I will ascend upon the clouds; I will be likened to the highest.

14:15But now you shall go down into Hades, and into the foundations of the earth.

14:16The ones beholding you shall wonder over you, and shall say, Is this the man provoking the earth, the one shaking kings;

14:17the one making the inhabitable world desolate, and demolished its cities; the ones in enslavement he did not loose.

14:18All the kings of the nations sleep in honor, every man in his house.

14:19But you shall be tossed in the mountains as dead, being abhorred with many having died being stabbed by a sword, going down into Hades.

14:20In which manner a garment being befouled by blood shall not be clean, so not even shall you be clean; because you destroyed my land, and killed my people; in no way should you abide into the eon of time -- O evil seed.

14:21Prepare your children to be slain for the sins of their father! that they should not rise up and inherit the earth, and should fill up the earth with wars.

14:22And I will rise up against them, says the lord of Hosts, and I will destroy their name, and vestige, and seed -- thus says the lord.

14:23And I will make the Babylonian region desolate so as for hedgehogs to dwell. And it will be for nothing, and I will make it a clay pit for destruction.

14:24Thus says the lord of Hosts, In which manner I have said, so it will be; and in which manner I have deliberated, so it shall remain;

14:25even to destroy the Assyrians upon my land, and upon my mountains; and they will be for trampling. And their yoke shall be removed from them, and their dignity shall be removed from their shoulders.

14:26This is the plan which the lord planned for all the inhabitable world. And this is the high hand upon all the nations.

14:27For what the holy God planned, who shall efface? And who shall turn his high hand?

14:28The year in which king Ahaz died, came this saying.

14:29Be not glad all Philistines, for he broke the yoke of the one hitting you. For from out of the seed of the serpent shall come forth a progeny of asps, and their progeny shall come forth as flying serpents.

14:30And the poor shall be grazed by him; and poor men with peace shall rest; and he shall do away your seed with hunger; and your vestige he will do away with.

14:31Shriek, O gates of the cities! Cry out, O cities! All the Philistines are being disturbed. For from the north smoke comes, and there is no being.

14:32And what shall the kings of the nations answer? For the lord laid a foundation in Zion, and through him many peoples shall be delivered.