The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 18

18:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

18:2O son of man, What to you is this parable concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers ate an unripe grape, and the teeth of the children have a toothache?

18:3As I live, says Adonai the lord, Shall the saying of this parable still be in Israel?

18:4For all the souls are mine; in which manner the soul of the father, also the soul of the son; they are mine. The soul sinning, this one shall die.

18:5But the man who will be just, the one executing equity and righteousness,

18:6he shall not eat to idols upon the mountains, and his eyes in no way shall be lifted up to the thoughts of the house of Israel; and the wife of his neighbor in no way shall he defile, and to the wife being in menstruation he shall not draw near,

18:7and in no way shall he tyrannize over a man, and collateral taken as a pledge being owed he shall give back, and things for seizure he shall not seize by force, and he shall give his bread to the one hungering, and he shall cover the naked with a garment;

18:8he shall not give his money with interest, and shall not take money by usury; he shall turn his hand from injustice; he shall execute a just judgment between a man and his neighbor;

18:9and he shall go by my orders, and shall guard my ordinances to do them -- this one is just; to life he shall live, says Adonai the lord.

18:10And if he engenders a mischievous son, one pouring out blood and committing sins, and

18:11he went not in the way of his just father, but also upon the mountains he ate to idols, and the wife of his neighbor he defiled,

18:12and tyrannized over the poor and needy, and seized by force, and did not give back collateral taken as a pledge, and for the idols put his eyes to do lawlessness,

18:13and with interest gave a thing, and by usury took; this one shall not live to life; all these lawless deeds he did; unto death he shall be put to death; his blood will be upon him.

18:14And if he should engender a son, and he should behold all the sins of his father which he did, and should fear and should not do according to these,

18:15and has not eaten upon the mountains, and put not his eyes onto the thoughts of the house of Israel, and defiled not the wife of his neighbor,

18:16and tyrannized not over a man, and took not collateral for security, and by seizure seized not by force; but gave his bread to the hungry, and covered the naked with a garment,

18:17and turned his hand from injustice, and did not take money from interest and usury, and executed righteousness, and went by my orders; he shall not come to an end by the iniquities of his father; to life he shall live.

18:18But if his father by affliction afflicted, and by seizure seized by force, and did contrary in the midst of his people, then he shall die in his iniquity.

18:19And you shall say, Why is it that the son does not take the iniquity of his father? Because the son has done equity and righteousness and mercy. All my laws he preserved, and he did them; to life he shall live.

18:20But the soul sinning, it shall die. And the son shall not take the iniquity of the father. And the father shall not take the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the just one shall be upon him, and the lawlessness of the lawless one shall be upon him.

18:21And the lawless one, if he should turn from all his lawless deeds which he did, and should keep all my commandments, and should do equity and righteousness and mercy; to life he shall live, and he shall not die.

18:22All of his transgressions, as many as he did, they shall not be remembered to him; in his righteousness which he did he shall live.

18:23By volition do I want the death of the lawless one, says Adonai the lord? No, But as to turn him from his evil way and to enliven him.

18:24But in the turning the just from his righteousness, and he should commit iniquity, according to all the iniquities which the lawless one did; if he should do thus, he shall not live. In all the things of his righteousness, which he did, in no way shall they be remembered; in his transgression in which he fell, and in his sins in which he sinned, in them he shall die.

18:25And you said, The way of the lord is not straight. Hear indeed house of Israel! Is my way not straight? Is it that your ways are straight?

18:26In the turning of the just from his righteousness, and he should commit transgression, and he should die in the transgression which he did; he shall die in it.

18:27And in the lawless one turning from his lawlessness which he did, and he shall act with equity and righteousness, this one kept his soul.

18:28For he saw and turned from all his impiety which he did; to life he shall live, in no way shall he die.

18:29And the house of Israel says, The way of the lord is not straight. Is my way not straight, O house of Israel? Is it your way that is not straight?

18:30Therefore I shall judge you each according to his way, O house of Israel, says Adonai the lord. Be restored and turn from all your impiety, and punishment of iniquity shall not be to you!

18:31Throw away from yourself all your impiety which you were impious against me, and make to yourself a new heart and a new spirit! And why do you die, O house of Israel?

18:32For I do not want the death of the one dying, says Adonai the lord. Return then! and you shall live.