The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 19

19:1And you, take up a lamentation against the ruler of Israel!

19:2And you shall say, Why became your mother among cubs in the midst of lions? In the midst of lions she multiplied her cubs.

19:3And one of her cubs leaped; he became a lion and learned to seize by force; he ate the prey of men.

19:4And nations heard concerning him; and he was seized in their corruption, and they led him in a wicker cage into the land of Egypt.

19:5And she beheld that he was thrust away from her, and her support perished, and she took another from her cubs; she ordered him to be a lion.

19:6And he paced in the midst of lions; he became a lion, and learned to seize prey, and he devoured men.

19:7And he fed in his boldness, and made their cities quite desolate; and he obliterated the land and the fullness of it by the voice of his roaring.

19:8And nations assailed against him round about of the places; and they spread forth upon him their nets; and in their corruption he was seized.

19:9And they put him in a cage, even in a wicker cage, and they led him to the king of Babylon. And they brought him into prison, so that his voice should not be heard any more upon the mountains of Israel.

19:10Your mother was as a vine, as a flower of a pomegranate being planted by water; her fruit and her bud took place because of much water.

19:11And she became a rod of strength over a tribe of ones leading; and she was raised up high in her greatness in the midst of the trunks; and she beheld her greatness in the multitude of her branches.

19:12But she was broken off in pieces in rage; she was tossed upon the ground, and the burning wind dried her choice branches. The rods of her strength were punished and were dried; fire consumed her.

19:13And now they have planted her in the wilderness, in a waterless land and one thirsting.

19:14And fire came forth from out of a rod of her choice ones and devoured her; and a rod of strength was not in her. She is a tribe for a parable of lamentation, and will be for a lamentation.