The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 17

17:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

17:2O son of man, Describe a tale, and speak a parable to the house of Israel!

17:3And you shall say, Thus says Adonai the lord; The great eagle having large wings, stretching out long, full of claws, who has the leading to enter into Lebanon -- even he took the choice cedar.

17:4The tips of the tender part he plucked off, and he brought them into the land of Canaan, he put them into a city being walled.

17:5And he took from the seed of the land, and he put it into the ground fit for sowing as a plant by much water; he arranged it for attention.

17:6And it arose and became a vine being weakened and small in greatness for its vine branches upon it to be apparent; and its roots were underneath it. And it became a vine, and produced layers of vines, and stretched out its tendrils.

17:7And there was another great eagle having large wings, and many claws. And behold, her grapevine was being twisted unto him, and her roots unto him, and her vine branches she sent out to him, to water her with the casting away from her planting.

17:8In good ground upon much water she was fattened to produce buds and to bear fruit, to be made into a great vine.

17:9On account of this, say! Thus says Adonai the lord; Shall it prosper, no. Shall not the roots of her tenderness, and the fruits rot? Yes, all her things shooting up early shall be dried up, and not by a great arm, nor by many people to pull her out by her roots.

17:10And behold, she was fattened; should she prosper? Shall she not in her being touched by the burning wind be dried up in dryness? With the casting of her east wind she shall be dried up.

17:11And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

17:12Say indeed to the rebelling house, Do you not know what these are? You speak to them! Behold, the king of Babylon comes unto Jerusalem, and he shall take her king, and her rulers. And he shall lead them to himself unto Babylon.

17:13And he shall take of the seed of the kingdom, and shall ordain with him a covenant, and shall bring him by an oath; and he shall take the governors of the land,

17:14to become a weak kingdom, so that altogether it should not lift itself up; but to keep its covenant and to establish her.

17:15And he shall revolt from him to send messengers unto Egypt, to give to him horses and many people. Shall he prosper, no. Shall the one acting opposite be preserved, no. And shall one violating covenant be preserved, no.

17:16As I live, says Adonai the lord, Surely in the place of the king, of the one giving him reign, who disgraced my oath, and violated my covenant, he shall come to an end with him in the midst of Babylon.

17:17And not by great power nor by a great multitude shall Pharaoh make war with him, in throwing up a palisade and with construction of a range of weapons to remove many souls.

17:18And he disgraced the swearing of an oath violating the covenant; and behold, he appointed his hand, and all these things he did to him, he shall not escape.

17:19On account of this say! Thus says Adonai the lord; As I live, surely swearing by my oath which he disgraced, and my covenant which he violated, that I will impute it on his head.

17:20And I will spread forth upon him my net, and he shall be captured in his being encompassed about. And I will lead him into Babylon. And I shall litigate with him there concerning his iniquity of which he transgressed against me.

17:21In all his exiles, in every battle array of his, they shall fall by the broadsword, and the remaining I shall scatter unto every wind. And you shall realize that I the lord have spoken.

17:22For thus says Adonai the lord; And I will take, even I of the chosen of the cedar, from its top; and I will give of the head of her shoots; I will pluck off of her heart, and I will plant upon a high mountain.

17:23And I will hang him on an elevated mountain of Israel; and I will plant it, and there shall be brought forth a bud, and he shall produce fruit, and he will be for a great cedar; and there shall rest underneath him every bird; and every winged creature shall rest under the shadow of his tender branches; and his vine branches shall be restored.

17:24And all the trees of the plain shall know that I am the lord, the one humbling the high tree, and raising up high the low tree; and drying the green tree, and again flourishing the dry tree. I the lord, I have spoken and I shall act.