The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ecclesiastes 4

4:1And I turned and I beheld all the extortions, the ones happening under the sun. And behold, the tear of the ones being extorted, and there is not one comforting them. And by the hand of ones extorting them was by strength, and there is not one comforting them.

4:2And I praised all of the ones having died of the ones already dying more than the living, as many as live until the present.

4:3And better above these two which not yet was born, which knew not all the evil action being done under the sun.

4:4And I beheld all the effort, and all courage of action; for the same zeal of man is from his companion. And indeed this is folly and resolve of spirit.

4:5The fool embraces his hands, and eats his flesh.

4:6Better a handful full of rest, than two handfuls full of trouble and resolve of spirit.

4:7And I turned, and I saw folly under the sun.

4:8There is one alone, and there is not a second; and indeed, there is no son nor indeed a brother to him. And there is no limit to all his effort; and indeed his eye is not satisfied of riches; and saying, Why do I make an effort, and deprive my soul of goodness? And indeed, this is folly and an evil distraction.

4:9Better the two than the one, in which there is to them a good wage in their effort.

4:10For if they should fall, the one shall raise his partner. But woe to him, to the one, whenever he should fall and there should not be a second to raise him.

4:11And if two should go to bed and heat themselves, then the one, how shall he heat himself?

4:12And if one prevails against the one, the two shall stand against him. And the three-stranded cord shall not be quickly ripped apart.

4:13Better a needy and wise child, than an older and foolish king who does not know to take heed any longer.

4:14For from out of the house of the prisoners he shall come forth to reign, for even indeed in his kingdom he was needy.

4:15I beheld all of the living, of the ones walking under the sun, with the young of the second generation who will stand in place of him.

4:16There is no limit to all the people, to all as many as was before them; and indeed, the last shall not be glad in himself. For even indeed this is folly and resolve of spirit.