The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 1

1:1The proverbs of Solomon son of David who reigned in Israel,

1:2to know wisdom and instruction; to comprehend also words of intelligence;

1:3to receive also the shifting and turning of words, and loosening enigmas; to comprehend also true righteousness and to straighten out judgment,

1:4that he should give to the guileless astuteness, but to the young child perception, and also reflection.

1:5But of the ones for hearing, the wise will be wiser, and the intelligent shall acquire guidance.

1:6He shall comprehend also a parable and a dark matter; sayings also of the wise, and enigmas.

1:7The beginning of wisdom is fear of the lord, and good understanding to all the ones observing it. And piety to God is the beginning of perception. But wisdom and instruction the impious shall treat with contempt.

1:8Hear, O son, the laws of your father! and you should not thrust away the rules of your mother;

1:9for you shall receive a crown of favors for your head, and a collar of gold around your neck.

1:10O son, you should not have caused impious men to wander you, nor should you consent.

1:11If they should comfort you, saying, Come with us, partake in blood! for we should hide the just man unjustly in the ground,

1:12and we should swallow him as Hades, while living, and lift his remembrance from the earth,

1:13the very costly property of his we should overtake, and we should fill our houses of spoils.

1:14and throw your lot in with us, and let there become one money bag for us.

1:15You should not go in the ways with them. Turn aside your foot from their paths!

1:16For their feet run to evil, and are quick to pour out blood.

1:17For nets are not stretched out wrongfully for feathered birds.

1:18For they, the ones partaking in murder, treasure up for themselves evils.

1:19These are the ways of all the ones completing the lawless things. For by impiety they remove their own life.

1:20Wisdom sings praise in the streets; and in the squares in open places she celebrates.

1:21And she proclaims upon the tops of the walls; and at the gates of the city courageously says,

1:22As much time as the guileless have of the righteousness, they shall not be ashamed; but the fools being ones who crave insolence, having become impious, detest good sense,

1:23and become accountable for reproofs. Behold, I will let go to you my breath's saying, and I will teach you by my word.

1:24Since I called, and you did not obey; and I stretched out words, and you did not take heed;

1:25but you made my counsels void, and you did not give heed to my reproofs;

1:26accordingly I also laugh at your destruction; and I will rejoice when ever ruin comes to you.

1:27And when ever a tumult should arrive unto you suddenly, and the undoing of yourself like a blast is at hand; or whenever affliction and assault should come upon you;

1:28that it will be whenever you should call upon me, even I shall not listen to you. Evil men shall seek me, and will not find me;

1:29for they detested wisdom, and the fear of the lord they did not prefer;

1:30nor wanted to take heed to my counsels; but they sneered at my reproofs.

1:31Accordingly they shall eat the fruits of their own way, and shall be filled with their own impiety.

1:32For because they wronged the simple ones, they shall be slaughtered, and an inquisition shall destroy the impious.

1:33But the one hearing me shall encamp with hope, and shall be tranquil without fear from all evil.