The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ruth 2

2:1And to Naomi was a male acquaintance to her husband, and the man was mighty in strength of the kin of Elimelech; and the name to him was Boaz.

2:2And Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, I should go indeed into the field, and gather among the ears of corn after of whom ever I should find favor in his eyes. And she said to her, Go, O daughter!

2:3And she went. And having arrived, she collected together in the field after the ones harvesting. And she fell by chance in the portion of the field of Boaz, the one of the kin of Elimelech.

2:4And behold, Boaz came from Beth-lehem, and he said to the ones harvesting, The lord be with you. And they said to him, May the lord bless you.

2:5And Boaz said to his servant, to the one having been set over the ones harvesting, Whose young woman is this?

2:6And the servant attending over the ones harvesting answered and said, She is the Moabitess servant returning with Naomi from out of the country of Moab.

2:7And she said, I shall collect together please, and I will bring in the sheaves behind the ones harvesting. And she came and stood, from morning and until evening, she did not rest in the field a little.

2:8And Boaz said to Ruth, Did you not hear, O daughter? You should not go to collect into another field, and you should not go from here; you join up here with my young women!

2:9And let your eyes be unto the field where ever mine should harvest! and you should go after them. Behold, I gave charge to the servants to not touch you. And when you shall thirst, then you shall go to the vessels, and you shall drink from where the servants should draw water.

2:10And she fell upon her face, and did obeisance upon the ground, and said to him, Why is it that I found favor in your eyes to recognize me, and I am a stranger?

2:11And Boaz answered and said to her, By report it was reported to me all as much as you have done with your mother-in-law after the dying of your husband; and how you left behind your father, and your mother, and the land of your origin, and went to a people which you did not know yesterday and the third day before.

2:12May the lord repay your work, and may your wage be full from the lord God of Israel, to whom you came to yield under his wings.

2:13And she said, May I find favor in your eyes, O my master; for you comforted me, and because you spoke in your heart to your maidservant; and behold, I shall be as one of your maidservants.

2:14And Boaz said to her, Already it is the hour to eat; draw near here! for you shall eat of my bread loaves, and dip your morsel in the vinegar. And Ruth sat by the side of the ones harvesting, and Boaz heaped up to her toasted grain, and she ate, and was filled, and left.

2:15And she rose up to collect grain, and Boaz gave charge to his servants, saying, Indeed, let her collect in the midst of the sheaves, and do not shame her!

2:16And indeed in setting aside, you set aside for her of the things being heaped up, and allow her! and she shall collect, and you shall not reproach her.

2:17And she collected in the field until evening, and she beat with a rod what she collected up, and it was about an ephah of barley.

2:18And she carried it, and entered into the city. And her mother-in-law saw what she collected, and Ruth brought forth to give to her what was left of what she was filled up with.

2:19And her mother-in-law said to her, Where did you collect today? And where did you do it? May it be the one recognizing you a blessing. And Ruth reported to her mother-in-law where she did it. And she said, The name of the man with whom I did this today is Boaz.

2:20And Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, Blessed is the lord, for he abandoned not his mercy with the living and with the ones having died. And Naomi said to her, The man is near to us, of the ones acting as next of kin -- he is of us.

2:21And Ruth said to her mother-in-law, And also he said to me, You cleave with the young men of mine! until whenever they should finish all the harvest which belongs to me

2:22And Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, It is good, O daughter, that you went forth with his young women, and they shall not meet with you in another field.

2:23And Ruth cleaved to the young women of Boaz to collect until they completed the harvest of the barley, and the harvest of the wheat.