The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ruth 3

3:1And she stayed with her mother-in-law. And Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, O daughter, In no way shall I seek rest for you, that a good thing should happen to you.

3:2And now, is not Boaz a near acquaintance to us, of whom you were with his young women? Behold, he winnows at the threshing-floor of the barley this night.

3:3And you shall bathe, and anoint, and put your clothes upon yourself, and ascend unto the threshing-floor! You should not make yourself known to the man, until he finishes eating and drinking.

3:4And it will be at his going to sleep, that you shall perceive the place where he sleeps there, and you shall go in, and uncover the things by his feet, and you shall go to sleep. And he shall report to you what you shall do.

3:5And Ruth said to her, All as much as you should tell to me I will do.

3:6And she went down into the threshing-floor, and she did according to all as much as her mother-in-law gave charge to her.

3:7And Boaz ate, and drank, and did good to his heart; and he went to go to sleep in a portion of the pile. And she came in secret, and uncovered the things by his feet, and she went to sleep.

3:8And it came to pass at midnight, that the man was startled and disturbed; and behold, a woman slept at his feet.

3:9And he said, Who are you? And she said, I am Ruth, your maidservant; and you shall put your garment border upon your maidservant, for you are a relative.

3:10And Boaz said, Being blessed are you by the lord God, O daughter, for you did good in your mercy at the last over the first, for you to not go after the young men, whether poor or whether rich.

3:11And now, O daughter, do not fear! All what ever you should say I will do for you. For all of the people of my tribe know that you are a woman of ability.

3:12And now truly I am a relative; but indeed there is a relative in the land who is over me.

3:13You lodge the night! and it will be in the morning, if he should act as next of kin for you -- good, let him act as next of kin! But if he should not want to act as next of kin for you, I shall act as next of kin for you. As the lord lives, you go to sleep until morning!

3:14And she went to sleep at his feet until morning. And she rose up before a man could recognize his neighbor. And Boaz said, Do not let it be known, that a woman has come unto the threshing-floor!

3:15And he said to her, Bring the apron, the one upon you, and hold it! And she held it, and he measured out six measures of barley, and placed them unto her. And she entered into the city.

3:16And Ruth entered to her mother-in-law. And she said, What is it, O daughter? And she reported to her all as much as the man did for her.

3:17And she said, these six measures of barley he gave to me, for he said to me, You should not enter empty to your mother-in-law.

3:18And she said, Sit down, O daughter, until you realize how the matter shall fall! for the man should not be still until whenever he should finish the matter today.