The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Esther 6

6:1But the lord removed the sleep from the king that night; and he told his servant to carry in the memorandum letters of the days to read to him.

6:2And he found letters having been written concerning Mordecai, as was reported to the king concerning the two eunuchs of the king, during their watching and their seeking to put hands on Artaxerxes.

6:3And the king said, What glory or favor did we do for Mordecai? And the servants of the king said, We did not do for him one thing.

6:4And during the inquiring by the king concerning the good-will of Mordecai, behold, Haman was in the courtyard. And the king said, Who is in the courtyard? And he entered to speak to the king to hang Mordecai upon the tree which he prepared.

6:5And the servants of the king said, Behold, Haman stands in the courtyard. And the king said, Call him!

6:6And the king said to Haman, What shall I do to the man whom I want to extol? And Haman said to himself, Who does the king want to extol unless me?

6:7And he said to the king, As for the man whom the king wants to extol,

6:8let the servants of the king bring fine linen apparel which the king puts on, and the horse upon which the king mounts,

6:9and give it to one of the friends of the king of the honorable ones; and robe the man whom the king loves, and mount him upon the horse, and let him proclaim through the square of the city! saying, So shall it be done to every man whom the king extols.

6:10And the king said to Haman, You spoke well, you do thus to Mordecai the Jew, to the one attending in the courtyard, and do not let fall from you a word which you spoke!

6:11And Haman took the robe, and the horse, and he robed Mordecai, and mounted him upon the horse, and went through the square of the city, and proclaimed, saying, So it will be to every man the king wants to extol.

6:12And Mordecai returned to the courtyard. And Haman returned to his own place fretting with a down cast head.

6:13And Haman described the things coming to pass to him to Zeresh his wife, and to his friends. And the friends and wife said to him, Since Mordecai is of the race of the Jews, and you began to be humbled before him, in falling you shall fall, in no way should you be able to defend against him, for the living God is with him.

6:14While they were yet speaking, the eunuchs came to hurry Haman unto the banquet which Esther prepared.