The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Esther 5

5:1And it came to pass in the third day, Esther put on royal apparel, and she stood in the courtyard of the house of the king, in the inner courtyard, right opposite the royal house of the king. And the king sat down on the throne of his own kingdom in the royal house, right opposite the door of the house.

5:2And as the king saw Esther the queen standing in the courtyard, that she found favor in his eyes; and the king stretching out to Esther the golden rod, the one in his hand, that Esther approached and touched the tip of the rod.

5:3And the king said, What do you want, Esther, and what is your request? The worth unto half of my kingdom will be to you.

5:4And Esther said, Today is a notable day for me. If then it seems good to the king, let both the king and Haman come to the banquet which I shall prepare today!

5:5And the king said, Hasten Haman, so that we should do the word of Esther! And they came both to the banquet which Esther made.

5:6And at the banquet the king said to Esther, What is it to you, queen Esther, and it will be to you as much as is worthy?

5:7And she said, The request of mine and my petition,

5:8if I found favor before the king, let the king and Haman come upon the morrow to the banquet which I shall prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do the same!

5:9And Haman went forth from the king overjoyed and being glad. But in Haman seeing Mordecai the Jew in the courtyard, he was enraged exceedingly.

5:10And entering into his own place he called his friends, and Zeresh his wife.

5:11And he showed to them his riches, and the glory which the king invested in him, and how he made him to be preeminent, and to take the lead of the kingdom.

5:12And Haman said, The queen has called no one with the king, not one to the banquet but me, and for tomorrow she has invited me.

5:13And these things do not please me, whenever I behold Mordecai the Jew in the courtyard.

5:14And Zeresh his wife said to him, and his friends, Fell for yourself a tree of fifty cubits, and at dawn speak to the king, and hang Mordecai upon the tree; and you enter into the banquet with the king, and be glad! And the saying pleased Haman, and the tree was prepared.