The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 1

1:1There was a certain man in the land of Uz, Job was the name to him. And that man was true, unblemished, a sincere man, and upright, and fearing God, at a distance from every wicked thing.

1:2And there were to him seven sons and three daughters.

1:3And his animals were -- seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred teams of oxen, and five hundred grazing female donkeys, and for service exceedingly many, and there were great works of his upon the land. And that man was great of the ones from the east sun.

1:4And his sons going to one another prepared a banquet, each of his own day, taking along together also their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

1:5And whenever they completed the days of the banquet, Job sent and purified them, rising up in the morning, and offering for them a sacrifice according to their number. For Job said, Lest at any time my sons sinned and raved against God with their heart. Thus then Job did all the days.

1:6And it came to pass this day, and behold, the sons of God came to stand before the lord, and the devil came in the midst of them.

1:7And the lord said to the devil, From what place have you come? And the devil answered to the lord, and said, Going around the earth, and walking about the place at hand under heaven.

1:8And the lord said to him, Have you been attentive then in your consideration to my attendant Job, that there is none likened to him of the ones upon the earth, a blameless man, a man sincere and upright and fearing God, at a distance from every wicked thing?

1:9And the devil answered, and said, Before the lord, does Job freely fear God?

1:10Have you not enclosed him, and the things inside his household, and the things outside? And all of the things being to him round about -- the works of his hands you blessed, and you made his cattle many upon the earth.

1:11But send your hand, and touch all which he has, and assuredly he will rave in your face against you.

1:12Then the lord said to the devil, Behold, all as much as is his I put into your hand; but he himself you shall not touch. And the devil went forth from the lord.

1:13And it was on this day the sons of Job and his daughters were drinking wine in the house of their elder brother.

1:14And behold, a messenger came to Job, and said to him, The teams of oxen were plowing, and the female donkeys were grazing next to them.

1:15And Sabeans fell upon and captured them, and the servants they killed by swords. And I alone escaped, and I came to report to you.

1:16Yet speaking this, there came another, and said to Job, Fire from God fell from out of the heaven, and it incinerated the sheep; and the shepherds were devoured up in like manner; and having escaped, I alone came to report to you.

1:17While speaking this, there came another messenger, and said to Job, The Chaldeans put three companies, and encircled the camels, and captured them; and the servants they killed by swords, and I alone escaped, and I came to report to you.

1:18While this one was speaking, another messenger came, saying to Job, Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking with their elder brother.

1:19Suddenly a great wind came upon them from out of the wilderness, and it touched the four corners of their house, and the house fell upon your children, and they came to an end; and I alone escaped, and I came to report to you.

1:20Thus rising up, Job tore up his garments, and sheared the hair of his head, and falling to the ground he did obeisance.

1:21And said, I myself came forth naked from out of my mother's belly, and naked I shall go forth there. The lord gave, the lord removed, as to the lord it seemed good, so also it came to pass. May the name of the lord be blessed.

1:22In all these things coming to pass against him, in nothing Job sinned before the lord, and he imputed not folly to God.