The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 2

2:1And it came to pass as this day occurred, and the sons of God came to stand before the lord. And the devil came in the midst of them to stand before the lord.

2:2And the lord said to the devil, From what place come you? Then the devil said before the lord, Traveling over the place under heaven, and walking about the whole the place at hand.

2:3And the lord said to the devil, Have you taken heed then to my attendant Job, that there is not according to him of the ones upon the earth, a man not wicked, true, blameless, godly, and at a distance from all evil? But still he has innocence, but you spoke to destroy his substance without cause.

2:4But the devil undertaking, said to the lord, Skin for skin, and all as much as exists to a man he will give for his life.

2:5But in fact, but you send your hand to touch his bones and his flesh, assuredly he will rave in your face.

2:6And the lord said to the devil, Behold, I deliver him to you, only you guard his life!

2:7And the devil went forth from the lord, and smote Job with a severe sore from feet unto head.

2:8And he took to himself a potsherd so as to scrape the pus; and he sat down within the ashes.

2:9And his wife said to him, Until how long will you persevere? But speak any word to God, and come to an end!

2:10And he, looking to her said, Why as one of the foolish women did you speak? If we looked for the good things from the hand of the lord, shall we not endure the bad? In all these things, the ones coming to pass to him, not one thing Job sinned with his lips before the lord.

2:11And his three friends hearing all the bad things coming upon him, came each from their own place to him. Eliphaz the Temanite -- a king, Baldad the Shuhite -- a sovereign, Zophar the Minaean -- a king. And they came to him with one accord to comfort and visit him.

2:12And seeing him at a distance, they did not recognize him. And they yelled with a great voice, and wept, each tearing his own apparel, and strewing earth.

2:13And they sat beside him seven days and seven nights, and not one of them spoke to him a word; for they saw the awful calamity being, and it was exceedingly great.