The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 3

3:1And after this Job opened his mouth and cursed his day,


3:3May the day in which I was born be destroyed, and the night in which they said, Behold, a male.

3:4May that night be darkness, and may the lord not search it out from above, nor may brightness come into it.

3:5But may darkness and the shadow of death take it. May dimness come upon it. And may that day be disturbed,

3:6and that night. May darkness have carried it away. May it not be for the days of the year, nor may it be counted for the days of the months.

3:7But may that night be grief, and may gladness not come upon it, nor a cause for joy.

3:8But may the one cursing that day curse it, the ones being about to awaken Leviathan.

3:9May the stars of that night be enveloped in darkness, and not remain, and not come for illumination. And may the arising morning star not be seen.

3:10For it did not close up the gates of my mother's womb, for it would have dismissed misery from my eyes.

3:11For why in the belly did I not come to an end? But instead I came forth from the womb, and was not straightway destroyed?

3:12And why did the knees meet me? And why did I nurse on the breasts.

3:13Now going to bed I should be stilled; and having slept rested;

3:14with the kings, the counselors of the earth, who prance with swords;

3:15or with rulers, whose gold was abundant, who filled their houses with silver.

3:16Or as if a miscarriage going forth from out of a mother's womb, or as infants who beheld not light.

3:17There the impious ceased the rage of anger; there the exhausted in body are rested.

3:18But with one accord the ones being bound do not hear the voice of the tribute-gatherer.

3:19Small and great are there, even the attendant being in awe of his master.

3:20For why has light been given to the ones in bitterness, and life to the souls in griefs?

3:21the ones who long for death, and do not attain; rooting it up as if for treasures;

3:22and they become overjoyed if they should attain it. Death to a man is rest.

3:23The way was not concealed, for God hemmed in against him.

3:24For moaning comes to me before my grain, and shall be poured as waters roaring.

3:25For the fear which I thought about, came to me; and which I had in awe, met with me.

3:26Neither was I at peace, nor still, nor I rested; but wrath came to me.