The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Esther 7

7:1And they entered, the king and Haman, to drink together with the queen.

7:2And the king said to Esther on the second day at the banquet, What is it queen Esther? And what is your request? And what is your petition? And it will be yours unto half of my kingdom!

7:3And answering she said, If I found favor before the king, let him give life to my request, and my people to my petition.

7:4For both I and my people were sold into destruction, and ravaging, and slavery; we, and both our children for manservants and maidservants, and I neglected to speak; for the slanderer is not worthy of the courtyard of the king.

7:5And the king said, Who is this who dared to do this thing?

7:6And Esther said, A man, an enemy, Haman, this wicked man. And Haman was disturbed before the king and the queen.

7:7And the king rose up from the party to go into the garden. And Haman appealed to the queen, for he saw himself being in evils.

7:8And the king returned from out of the garden; and Haman had fallen upon the bed petitioning the queen. And the king said, So as even with my wife you use force in my house. And Haman, hearing, was overawed in front of him.

7:9And Harbonah one of the eunuchs said to the king, Behold, Haman prepared even a tree for Mordecai, to the one speaking for the king, and it was set straight up in the places of Haman -- of fifty cubits. And the king said, Let him be crucified upon it!

7:10And Haman was hung upon the tree which he prepared for Mordecai. And then the king slackened from the rage.