The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 50

50:1The word of the lord which he spoke against Babylon, and against the land of the Chaldeans, by the hand of Jeremiah the prophet.

50:2Announce among the nations, and make it audible! Lift up a sign and make it audible! And you should not hide it. Say! Babylon is captured. Bel was disgraced. Merodach was delivered up. their carvings were shamed. Their idols were delivered up.

50:3For ascended upon her a nation from the north. This one put her land for extinction, and there will not be one dwelling in her from man and beast.

50:4They shook and went; in those days, and in that time, says the lord, the sons of Israel shall come; they and the sons of Judah together. Proceeding and weeping they shall go seeking the lord their God.

50:5They shall ask the way unto Zion; for here they shall set their face, and they shall come and shall take refuge with the lord; for the everlasting covenant shall not be forgotten.

50:6My people became perishing sheep; their shepherds pushed them out; they led them astray upon the mountains; from mountain unto hill they set out, they forgot their fold.

50:7All the ones finding them consumed them. Their enemies said, We should not spare them, because they sinned against the lord, the pasture of righteousness to the one gathering their fathers -- the lord.

50:8Be separated from out of the midst of Babylon, and from the land of the Chaldeans! And go forth and become as dragons in front of sheep!

50:9For behold, I raise up against Babylon gatherings of great nations from out of the land of the north, and they shall deploy against her. From there she shall be captured as the arrow of an expert warrior shall not return empty.

50:10And the Chaldeans will be for plunder; all the ones despoiling her will be filled up, says the lord.

50:11For you were glad, and gloried over plundering of my inheritance. For you leaped as young bullocks in a pasture, and gored as bulls.

50:12Your mother is exceedingly shamed; the one giving birth to you felt shame. Behold, the last of the nations shall be desolate and untrodden.

50:13From the anger of the lord it shall not be dwelt in, and all will be for extinction. And all traveling through Babylon shall look downcast, and shall whistle at all her calamity.

50:14Deploy against Babylon round about, all stretching the bow! Shoot against her! Spare not against her your bows! for against the lord she sinned.

50:15And secure her! Her hands were disabled; the parapets fell; her wall was razed. For it is vengeance by God. Take vengeance against her. As she did, you do to her!

50:16Utterly destroy the seed from out of Babylon! the one holding the sickle in the time of harvest, from in front of the Grecian sword. Each unto his people shall return, and each unto his land shall flee.

50:17Israel is a wandering sheep; lions pushed him out. The king of Assyria first devoured him, and this one afterwards devoured his bones -- the king of Babylon.

50:18On account of this, thus says the lord of the forces, the God of Israel, Behold, I take vengeance against the king of Babylon and his land, as I took vengeance against the king of Assyria.

50:19And I will restore Israel unto his pasture. And he shall feed on Carmel, and in Bashan, and on mount Ephraim, and in Gilead, and his soul shall be satisfied.

50:20In those days, and in that time, says the lord, they shall seek the unrighteousness of Israel, and it will not exist. And they shall seek the sins of Judah, and in no way shall they be found. For I will be kindness to the ones being left behind.

50:21Upon the land, Bitterly, mount up against her! And against the ones dwelling in her punish by sword, and obliterate! says the lord. And do according to all as much as I give charge to you!

50:22The sound of war and great destruction in the land of Chaldeans.

50:23O how the hammer of all the earth was broken in pieces and defeated? O how Babylon became for extinction among the nations?

50:24They shall attack you. and you shall be captured, O Babylon, and you did not know. You shall be found and taken, for against the lord you opposed.

50:25The lord opened his treasury, and brought forth the items of his anger; for it is a work for the lord God of the forces, in the land of Chaldeans.

50:26For her times have come. Open her storehouses! Search her as a cave, and utterly destroy her! Let her vestige not be!

50:27Dry up all her fruits, and go down for slaughter! Woe to them, for their day is come, and a time of their punishment.

50:28A sound of ones fleeing and escaping from out of the land of Babylon, to announce unto Zion the vengeance by the lord our God -- vengeance of his temple.

50:29Exhort many against Babylon! to every one stretching tight the bow. Camp upon her round about! Let there not be her escaping! Recompense to her according to her works! According to all as much as she did, you do to her! For she withstood against the lord God, the holy one of Israel.

50:30On account of this her young men shall fall in her squares, and all the men, her warriors, shall be tossed down in that day, says the lord.

50:31Behold, I am against you, O proud one, says the lord God of the forces; for your day is come, and the time of your punishment.

50:32And your insolence shall be weakened and shall fall, and there shall not be one raising it. And I will kindle a fire in her forest, and it shall devour all the things round about her.

50:33Thus says the lord of the forces, The sons of Israel and the sons of Judah together have been tyrannized. All the ones capturing them tyrannized them; for they did not want to send them out.

50:34But the one ransoming them is strong; the lord almighty is his name. He will judge equitably against his opponents, that the land should be removed; and he provokes the ones dwelling in Babylon.

50:35A sword upon the Chaldeans, says the lord, and upon the ones dwelling Babylon, and upon her great men, and upon her experts.

50:36A sword upon her clairvoyants, and they shall be fools. A sword upon her warriors, and they shall be disabled.

50:37A sword upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon the consolidation (the one in the midst of her,) and they will be as women. A sword upon her treasures, and they shall be plundered.

50:38It relied upon her water; and they shall be disgraced. For it is a land of carved images, and in the islands they gloried over.

50:39On account of this the effigies shall dwell among the islands, and there shall dwell in them daughters of sirens. In no way should it be inhabited any longer unto the eon, nor shall it be encamped unto generation and generation.

50:40As God eradicated Sodom and Gomorrah and the places adjoining them, said the lord, in no way shall man dwell there, and in no way shall a son of man sojourn there.

50:41Behold, a people come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be awakened from the end of the earth.

50:42They are holding a bow and a knife. They are audacious, and in no way shall they show mercy. Their voice shall sound as the sea. Upon horses they shall ride, being prepared as fire for war against you, O daughter of Babylon.

50:43The king of Babylon heard the report of them, and his hands were disabled; affliction held him firmly, pangs as a woman giving birth.

50:44Behold, as if a lion, he shall ascend from the Jordan into the place Aithan. For quickly I will drive them from her, and I will set every young man against her. For who is as I, and who shall oppose me, and who is this shepherd who shall stand in front of me?

50:45On account of this, hear the plan of the lord! which he has planned against Babylon; and his devices which he devised against the ones dwelling the land of the Chaldeans. Surely the little lambs of their sheep will be utterly destroyed. Surely the pasture shall be removed from them.

50:46For from the sound of the conquest of Babylon the earth shall be shaken, and her cry among nations shall be heard.