The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 51

51:1Thus says the lord, Behold, I awaken against Babylon, and against the Chaldeans dwelling there an utterly destroying burning wind.

51:2And I shall send against Babylon arrogant ones. And they shall insult her, and lay waste her land. Woe upon Babylon round about in the day of her affliction.

51:3Upon her let the one stretching stretch his bow, and put on what is his weapons! And spare not against her young men, and obliterate all her force!

51:4And slain shall fall in the land of the Chaldeans, and men being pierced through will fall from outside of her.

51:5For Israel and Judah have not been widowed from their God, from the lord almighty. For their land was filled with injustice from the holy things of Israel.

51:6Flee from out of the midst of Babylon, and let each rescue his life! You should not be reeling in her iniquity, for it is the time of her punishment by the lord; a recompense he shall recompense to her.

51:7A cup of gold is Babylon in the hand of the lord, intoxicating all the earth; the nations drank from her wine; on account of this they are shaken.

51:8And suddenly Babylon fell, and was broken. Lament her! Take balm for her hurt! if by any means she should be healed.

51:9We medically treated Babylon, and she would not be healed. We should abandon her, and each go forth unto his land, for her judgment has approached unto heaven. You lifted unto the stars.

51:10The lord brought forth his judgment. Come, for we should announce in Zion the works of the lord our God.

51:11Prepare the bows! fill the quivers! The lord aroused the spirit of the king of the Medes. For his anger is against Babylon, to utterly destroy her. For it is vengeance from the lord; vengeance of his people.

51:12Against the walls of Babylon lift up a sign! Set watches! Prepare shields! for the lord took in hand and he will do what he spoke against the ones dwelling Babylon,

51:13O ones encamping upon many waters, and upon the multitude of her treasures, your limit truly is come into your intestines.

51:14For the lord swore by an oath according to his arm, saying, For I shall fill you of men as locusts, and the ones going down shall utter a sound against you;

51:15the one making the earth with his strength, preparing the world in his wisdom; with his understanding he stretched out the heaven.

51:16At his voice he set a great echo of water in the heaven, and he led clouds from the end of the earth. He made lightnings for the rain, and he led light from out of his treasuries.

51:17Every man has acted moronish because of knowledge; every goldsmith was disgraced because of their carved images. For they cast false gods; there is no breath in them.

51:18They are vain works, being scorned. In the time of their visitation they shall be destroyed.

51:19Not such is the portion to Jacob; for the one shaping all things, he is his inheritance; the lord of the forces is his name.

51:20You scatter for me items of war; and I shall scatter nations by you; and I will lift away kings from you.

51:21And I will scatter by you the horse and his rider. And I will scatter by you chariots and their riders.

51:22And I will scatter by you husband and wife. And I will scatter by you the old man and child. And I will scatter by you the young man and virgin.

51:23And I will scatter by you the shepherd and his flock. And I will scatter by you the farmer and his farm. And I will scatter by you governors and your commandants.

51:24And I will recompense to Babylon and to all the Chaldeans dwelling there all their evils which they did against Zion before your eyes, says the lord.

51:25Behold, I am against you, O corrupting mountain, corrupting all the earth. And I will stretch out my hand against you. And I will roll the rocks downwards from you, and I will make you as a mountain being set on fire.

51:26And in no way shall they take from you a stone for a corner, and a stone for a foundation. For into eternal extinction you will be, says the lord.

51:27Lift up a sign upon the earth! Trump among the nations with a trumpet! Sanctify the nations against her! Exhort kingdoms against her -- Ararat by me, and to the Ashchenazi! Set against her a range of weapons! Haul against her the horses as a multitude of locusts!

51:28Haul up nations against her! the king of the Medes and all the earth; his leaders, and all of his commandants.

51:29The earth was shaken, and toiled because the device of the lord rose up against Babylon, to appoint the land of Babylon for extinction, and to not inhabit it.

51:30The warrior of Babylon failed to wage war, they shall sit there in the citadel. Their domination was enfeebled; they became as women; he set on fire her tents; her bars were broken.

51:31One is pursuing to meet one pursuing to pursue; and one announcing to meet one announcing to announce to the king of Babylon that his city is captured.

51:32Of the last of his fords were taken, and his assemblages were burned by fire, and his men warriors are coming forth.

51:33For thus says the lord of the forces, the God of Israel; The houses of the king of Babylon shall be threshed as a threshing-floor in season; still a little and her harvest shall come.

51:34He devoured me, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon portioned me; a fine darkness overtook me; he swallowed me down as a dragon; he filled his belly of my delicacies.

51:35My troubles and my miseries pushed me into Babylon, the one dwelling Zion shall say; and, My blood is upon the Chaldeans dwelling there, Jerusalem shall say.

51:36On account of this thus says the lord, Behold, I shall judge your opponent, and I will avenge your punishment, and I will make desolate her sea, and dry up her spring.

51:37And Babylon will be for extinction, a dwelling of dragons, an extinction hissing, and it shall not be inhabited.

51:38As lions they were aroused together, and as cubs of lions.

51:39In their heat I will give to them a drink, and I shall intoxicate them so that they should be stupefied, and should sleep an everlasting sleep, and no way should they be roused, says the lord.

51:40I shall bring them down as lambs to slaughter, and as rams with kids.

51:41O how Sheshach is captured, and the boasting of all the earth is hunted. O how Babylon became for extinction among the nations.

51:42The sea ascended upon Babylon with the sound of its waves, and she was covered up.

51:43Her cities became for extinction, a waterless and untrodden land. There shall not dwell in her not one thing, nor should there rest up in her a son of man.

51:44And I shall take vengeance against Babylon, and I will bring forth what she swallowed down from out of her mouth; and in no way should the nations gather to her any more. And even the wall of Babylon shall fall.

51:45Come forth from his midst my people, and let each deliver his own life from the anger of the rage of the lord!

51:46Lest at any time your heart should be consumed, and you should be afraid on account of the report which shall be heard in the land, and the report shall come in a year, and after the year another report; misery and iniquity over the land, and one dominating over the one dominating.

51:47On account of this, behold, days come, and I shall take vengeance upon the carvings of Babylon, and all their land shall be made ashamed, all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.

51:48And shall be glad over Babylon the heavens and the earth, and all the ones in them. For from the north comes to him ones utterly destroying, says the lord.

51:49And even as Babylon acted to fall of the ones slain of Israel, also in Babylon the slain of all the earth shall fall.

51:50O ones being rescued from the broadsword, go and do not stand! Make mention, O ones far off, of the lord, and let Jerusalem ascend upon your heart!

51:51We were ashamed for we heard our scorning. Dishonor covered up our face. For foreigners entered into our holy places, into the house of the lord.

51:52On account of this, behold, days come, says the lord, and I will take vengeance against her carved images. And in all her land the slain shall fall.

51:53For though Babylon should ascend as the heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength; from me shall come ones utterly destroying her, says the lord.

51:54The sound of a cry in Babylon, and great destruction in the land of Chaldeans.

51:55For the lord utterly destroyed Babylon. And he destroyed from her a great voice sounding as many waters; he gave her voice for ruin.

51:56For misery came upon Babylon; her warriors captured; their bow was terrified; for God recompenses to them.

51:57The lord recompenses to her the recompense, and he shall intoxicate her governors by intoxication, and her wise men, and her commandants, says the king -- the lord almighty is his name.

51:58Thus says the lord almighty, The wall of Babylon was widened; by razing it shall be razed, and her high gates by fire shall be set on fire; and peoples shall tire in vanity, and nations shall fail in their rule.

51:59The word which the lord gave charge to Jeremiah the prophet to say to Seraiah son of Neriah, son of Maaseiah when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his kingdom. And Seraiah was ruler of the gifts.

51:60And Jeremiah wrote all the evils which shall come upon Babylon in a scroll; all these words being written against Babylon.

51:61And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, Whenever you should come into Babylon, and shall see, and shall read all these words;

51:62then you shall say, O lord, you spoke against this place, to utterly destroy it, and to not be in it any dwelling from man unto beast, for it will be an extinction into the eon.

51:63And it will be whenever you shall cease to read this scroll, that you shall fasten upon it a stone, and shall toss it into the midst of the Euphrates,

51:64and shall say, So shall Babylon descend, and in no way shall she rise up from in front of the evils which I bring upon her, and it shall vanish. Until this are the words of Jeremiah.