The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 44

To the director; to the sons of Korah; for contemplation.

44:1O God, we heard with our ears, and our fathers announced to us the work which you worked in their days, in ancient days.

44:2Your hand utterly destroyed nations, and planted them. You afflicted peoples and cast them out.

44:3For not by their broadsword they inherited the land, and their arm did not deliver them; but it was your right hand, and your arm, and the illumination of your countenance, for you thought well by them.

44:4You are he, O my king and my God, the one giving charge to the deliverances of Jacob.

44:5In you we will gore our enemies, and in your name we will treat with contempt the ones rising up against us.

44:6For not upon my bow will I hope; and my broadsword will not deliver me.

44:7For he delivered us from the ones afflicting us; and the ones detesting us he disgraced.

44:8In God we will be praised the entire day; and in your name we will make acknowledgment into the eon.

44:9But now you thrusted away, and disgraced us; and you shall not go forth, O God, with our forces.

44:10You turned us to the rear by our enemies; and the ones detesting us plundered for themselves.

44:11You gave us as sheep for food; and among the nations you scattered us.

44:12You rendered your people without a value; and there was no abundance by their shout.

44:13You put us for scorn to our neighbors; for a sneering and a taunting to the ones round about us.

44:14You put us as a parable among the nations; a shaking of the head among the peoples.

44:15My being made ashamed is in front of me the entire day, and the shame of my face covered me;

44:16even from the voice of the one berating and speaking improperly from in front of the enemy and the one banishing.

44:17All these things came upon us, but we did not forget you; and we did not do wrong by your covenant;

44:18and we did not leave our heart to the rear, nor turned aside our paths from your way.

44:19For you humbled us in the place of affliction; and the shadow of death covered over us.

44:20If we forgot the name of our God, and if we opened and spread out our hands to an alien god,

44:21shall not God require these things? For he knows the secret things of the heart.

44:22For because of you we are being put to death the entire day; we are considered as sheep for slaughter.

44:23Awaken! Why do you sleep, O lord? Rise up! and you should not thrust us away unto the end.

44:24Why do you turn your face and forget our poorness and our affliction?

44:25For our soul was humbled into the dust; our belly was cleaved to the earth.

44:26Rise up, O lord, help us and ransom us because of your name!