The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Malachi 2

2:1And now this commandment is to you, O priests.

2:2If you should not hearken, and if you should not put it into your heart, to give glory to my name, says the lord almighty, then I will send upon you the curse, and I will accurse your blessing -- even I will curse it, and it will not be among you, for you put it not to your heart.

2:3Behold, I separate to you the shoulder, and I will disperse dung of the large intestine upon your faces, dung of the large intestine of your holiday feasts; and I will take you away at the same time.

2:4And you shall realize that I sent out to you this commandment, to be my covenant with the Levites, says the lord almighty.

2:5My covenant was with him, the one of life and of peace; and I gave to him fear to fear me, and from the presence of my name to put him in readiness.

2:6The law of truth was in his mouth, and injustice was not found in his lips. In peace he straightened out to go with me; and many he turned from iniquity.

2:7For lips of priests shall guard knowledge, and they shall seek the law from his mouth; for he is a messenger of the lord almighty.

2:8But you turned aside from the way, and you weakened many in following the law; you corrupted the covenant of Levi, says the lord almighty.

2:9And I have given you over as ones being treated with contempt, and ones being disregarded among all the nations, because you guarded not my ways, but you took persons in the law.

2:10Is there not one father of all of you? Did not one God create you? For what reason did you abandoned each his brother, to profane the covenant of your fathers?

2:11Judah abandoned, and an abomination took place in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah profaned the holy things of the lord in which he loved, and applied unto alien gods.

2:12The lord will utterly destroy the man doing these things, until whenever he should be humbled from out of the tents of Jacob, and from out of the ones bringing a sacrifice to the lord almighty.

2:13And these things which I detested you did. You covered the altar of the lord in tears in weeping and moaning because of troubles, yet thinking it worthy to look upon your sacrifice, or to take as acceptable from out of your hands.

2:14And you said, For what reason? In that the lord testified between you and between the wife of your youth, whom you abandoned. And she is your partner, and the wife of your covenant.

2:15But did he not do good, even a vestige of his spirit? And you said, What other than a seed does God seek? But guard in your spirit, and the wife of your youth do not abandon!

2:16But if by detesting, you should send her forth, says the lord God of Israel, then impiety shall cover over your thoughts, says the lord God almighty. And keep guard in your spirit, and in no way should you abandon them,

2:17O ones provoking the lord with your words. And you said, We provoked him in what? In your saying, Every one doing wicked is good before the lord, and in them he thinks well of; and, Where is the God of righteousness?