The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Malachi 3

3:1Behold, I send out my messenger who shall prepare the way before my face. And the lord whom you seek shall suddenly come into his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom you want. Behold, he comes, says the lord almighty.

3:2And who will endure the day of his entrance? Or who shall stand at his apparition? For he enters as fire of a foundry furnace, and as lye of ones washing.

3:3And he shall sit as one casting in a furnace, and one cleansing as it were silver. And he shall cleanse the sons of Levi, and he shall pour them as the gold and as the silver; and they will be to the lord ones bringing sacrifices in righteousness.

3:4And the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem shall please the lord,, as in the days of the eon; and as the years before.

3:5And I will come forward to you in judgment; and I will be a quick witness against the administers of potions, and against the adulterers, and against the ones swearing by an oath in my name for a lie, and against the ones depriving a wage of a hireling, and tyrannizing over the widow, and the ones smiting orphans, and the ones turning aside a right judgment of a foreigner, even they are the ones not fearing me, says the lord almighty.

3:6For I am the lord your God; I change not.

3:7But you sons of Jacob are not kept at a distance from the sins of your fathers; you turned aside from my laws, and guarded not. Return to me! and I shall be turned towards you, says the lord almighty. But you said, In what way should we turn?

3:8Shall a man stomp on God, no. For you stomp on me. And you said, We stomped on you in what? In that the tenth parts, and the first-fruits are with you.

3:9And looking away, you look away, and me you stomp on.

3:10The year is completed, and you carried in all the resources into the storehouses, and there will be the ravaging in your houses. Restore indeed in this, says the lord almighty! And see if I should not open to you the torrents of the heaven, and pour out to you my blessing until it is enough.

3:11And I will draw apart to you for food, and in no way will I utterly destroy the fruit of the land; and in no way should it be weakened upon your grapevine in the field, says the lord almighty.

3:12And all the nations shall declare you happy. For you will be a wanted land, says the lord almighty.

3:13You weighed down against me by your words, says the lord. And you said, We spoke ill against you in what?

3:14You said, The one serving God is vain. and, What more is it that we kept his injunctions, and that we go as supplicants before the face of the lord almighty?

3:15And now we declare aliens blessed; and all the ones doing lawless deeds are built up; and they opposed God, and were preserved.

3:16The ones fearing the lord spoke these things each to his neighbor. And the lord heeded, and hearkened, and wrote a scroll of memorial before him to the ones fearing the lord, and venerating his name.

3:17And they will be to me, says the lord almighty, in the day which I prepare for a procurement. And I will select them in which manner a man selects his son, the one serving to him.

3:18Then shall you be turned, and you shall see between the just one and the wrongdoer; and between the one serving God and the one not serving to him.