The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 11

11:1And undertaking, Sophar the Minean says,

11:2The one saying many things also shall listen in turn; or does the well-spoken imagine himself to be just? Blessed be the one born of woman short-lived.

11:3Become not many in words; for there is no one judging you by comparison.

11:4For do not say that, I am pure in works, and blameless before him.

11:5But how ever is the lord to speak to you, and open his lips with you;

11:6then he shall announce to you the power of wisdom, that it will be double to the things of yours? And then you shall know that what is worthy to you resulted from the lord whom you have sinned.

11:7Or will you find the trace of the lord? or did you arrive unto the latter end which the almighty prepared?

11:8Heaven is high, and what will you do? And there are deeper things than in Hades, what do you know?

11:9or longer than the measure of the earth, or the breadth of the sea.

11:10And if he shall eradicate all things, who will say to him, What did you do?

11:11For he knows the works of the lawless; and beholding he shall not overlook the things out of place.

11:12But man otherwise shall be over-confident with words; but a mortal born of a woman is equal to a recluse donkey.

11:13For if you established your heart clean, and turned up and opened your hands to him;

11:14if there is any lawless thing in your hands, cause it to be at a distance! and let not injustice lodge in your habitation!

11:15For thus your face shall illuminate as if pure water; and you shall strip off filth, and in no way shall you be fearful.

11:16And you shall forget trouble as a wave going by; and you shall not be terrified.

11:17And your vow will be as the morning star; and from midday life shall arise to you.

11:18And you shall be complying, for it is hope to you; and from anxiety and bewilderment peace shall appear to you.

11:19For you shall be tranquil, and there will not be one waging war against you; and turning, many will beseech you.

11:20But deliverance shall leave them, for their hope is destruction; and the eyes of the impious shall melt away.