The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Joshua 4

4:1And when all the people completed passing over the Jordan, that the lord spoke to Joshua, saying,

4:2Taking twelve men from the people, one man from each tribe,

4:3give orders to them! saying, Take up to yourselves from here from the midst of the Jordan, from the station of the feet of the priests, twelve prepared stones! And these, in carrying them across together with you, put them in your military encampment! where ever you should camp there the night.

4:4And Joshua calling by name twelve men of the honorable ones from the sons of Israel, one man from each tribe,

4:5Joshua said to them, Lead forward before the presence of the lord your God into the midst of the Jordan! And by taking up, lift away from there each one stone upon his shoulders, according to the number of the tribes of Israel!

4:6That these should exist to you for a sign, being situated always; that whenever your son should ask you tomorrow, saying, What are these stones to you?

4:7And you shall make manifest to your son, saying that, The Jordan river ceased from in front of the ark of the covenant of the lord of all the earth as it passed over the Jordan -- even the water of the Jordan ceased. And these stones shall be to you a memorial to the sons of Israel unto the eon.

4:8And the sons of Israel did thus, in so far as the lord gave charge to Joshua. And taking twelve stones from the midst of the Jordan, just as the lord gave orders to Joshua, in the completion of the fording of the sons of Israel, that they carried them across together themselves into the camp, and they put them aside there.

4:9And Joshua set also another twelve stones in the Jordan itself, in the place being under the feet of the priests lifting the ark of the covenant of the lord. And they are there until today's day.

4:10And the priests stood, the ones lifting the ark of the covenant, in the midst the Jordan, until of which he completed all the words which the lord gave charge to Joshua to announce to the people, according to all as much as Moses gave charge to Joshua. And the people hastened, and passed over.

4:11And it came to pass as all the people completed to pass over, that the ark of the covenant of the lord passed over, and the priests in front of them.

4:12And there passed over the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, being equipped in front of the sons of Israel, just as Moses gave charge to them.

4:13Forty thousand well-equipped for battle passed over before the lord for war against Jericho the city.

4:14In that day the lord increased Joshua before all of Israel, and they feared him as they feared Moses, as much time as he lived.

4:15And the lord spoke to Joshua, saying,

4:16Give charge to the priests lifting the ark of the covenant of the testimony! to go up out of the Jordan.

4:17And Joshua gave charge to the priests, saying, Go up out of the Jordan!

4:18And it came to pass as the priests went up, the ones lifting the ark of the covenant of the lord, from the midst of the Jordan, that the priests put the feet upon the dry land, and the water of the Jordan advanced according to place, and it went as also yesterday and the third day before, through all its bank.

4:19And the people ascended from out of the Jordan on the tenth of the first month. And the sons of Israel bivouacked in Gilgal in the part towards the sun, rising by Jericho.

4:20And these twelve stones which he took from out of the Jordan, Joshua set in Gilgal.

4:21And he spoke to the sons of Israel, saying, Whenever your sons ask you tomorrow, saying, What are these stones?

4:22You announce to your sons! saying that, Israel passed over this Jordan upon dry ground.

4:23The lord our God caused the water of the Jordan to dry up from in front of them, until of which time they passed over, just as the lord our God did to the red sea, which the lord God caused to dry up in front of us until we went by.

4:24So that all the nations of the earth might know that the power of the lord is strong, and that you should worship the lord our God at all time.