The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 20

20:1And undertaking, Sophar the Minean says,

20:2Not so far have I undertook to contradict you in these things, and neither do you perceive more than I.

20:3I will hearken to instruction for making me ashamed; and the spirit of understanding answers me.

20:4Have you known these things from the yet of which time man was put upon the earth?

20:5For the gladness of the impious is an extraordinary downfall; and a cause for joy of the lawbreakers is destruction.

20:6If his gifts should ascend into heaven, and his sacrifice should touch the clouds;

20:7for whenever he should seem already firmly fixed, then he shall perish unto the end; and the ones knowing him shall say, Where is he?

20:8As if a dream spreading forth, in no way shall he be found; so he flys as if a nightly manifestation.

20:9The eye overlooked, and does not proceed, and his place no longer pays attention to him.

20:10May his inferiors destroy his sons, and may his hands light the fire of griefs.

20:11His bones were filled with the vigor of his youth, and it shall go to bed with him upon the embankment.

20:12Though evil should be sweet in his mouth, he shall hide it under his tongue,

20:13and he shall not spare it, and will not abandon it, but brings it in the midst of his throat.

20:14Yet in no way shall he be able to help himself; the bile of an asp is in his belly.

20:15His riches unjustly brought together shall be vomited forth. From out of his house an angel shall drag him away.

20:16And may he nurse the rage of dragons; and may the tongue of a serpent do away with him.

20:17May he not behold the milking of grazing animals, nor the pastures of honey and butter.

20:18For he tired for riches in emptiness and vanity, of which he shall not taste; it is as if tough, unchewable, and impotable.

20:19For he crushed the houses of many of the disabled; and a habitation he seized by force, and he established it not.

20:20His safety is not in the possessions; by his desire he will not escape.

20:21There is no leftover of his foods; on account of this his good things shall not bloom.

20:22And whenever it should seem urgent to accomplish something, he shall be afflicted; and all distress shall come upon him.

20:23If by any means he might fill his belly, let God send as a successor upon him the rage of anger; may griefs wash over him.

20:24And in no way shall he be delivered from the hand of iron; may the bow of brass pierce him;

20:25and may the arrow go completely through his body; and may the stars walk on his habitation; may fears be upon him.

20:26And may all darkness wait for him; inextinguishable fire shall devour him; and may a stranger inflict evil on his house.

20:27And may the heaven uncover his lawless deeds; and the earth rise up against him.

20:28May destruction draw his house unto the end; may the day of anger come upon him.

20:29This is the portion of an impious man from the lord, and the possession of his substance given to him by the overseer.