The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 19

19:1And undertaking, Job says,

19:2For how long will you make my soul weary, and demolish me with words? Know only! that the lord did thus with me.

19:3You speak ill of me; not being ashamed by me, you press upon me.

19:4Yes indeed, in truth I was misled, and delusion lodges in me, to speak a word which must not be said; but my words mislead, and are not in time.

19:5But alas, for you magnify yourselves against me, and you assail me in scorn.

19:6Know then! that the lord is the one disturbing; and his fortress he raised up high against me.

19:7Behold, I laugh at scorn, and I shall not speak; I shall have cried out, and not at all is there judgment.

19:8I have been enclosed round about, and in no way shall I pass over; he put darkness upon my face.

19:9And the glory of mine he took off from me, and removed the crown from my head.

19:10He pulled me apart round about, and I am set out; and he cut down my hope as if a tree.

19:11And he treated me awfully in anger, and he led me as if an enemy.

19:12And with one accord his marauders came against me; in my ways ones lying in wait encircled me.

19:13My brothers left me; they know strangers rather than me; and my friends have become unmerciful.

19:14The ones near me pretend not to know me, and the ones knowing my name forgot me.

19:15As for the neighbors of the house, and also my female attendants, I was foreign before them.

19:16I called my attendant, and he obeyed not; and my mouth beseeched him.

19:17And I entreated my wife; and I called -- flattering the sons of my concubines.

19:18But they undid me into the eon; whenever I rise up, they speak against me.

19:19The ones knowing me abhorred me; whom indeed I had loved, rose up against me.

19:20My flesh festers in my skin; and the things of my bones are held in teeth.

19:21Show mercy on me, show mercy on me, O friends! for it is the hand of the lord touching me.

19:22And why do you pursue me as also the lord, and you are not filled up with my flesh?

19:23For what that my words might be given to be written, and to put them in a scroll for the eon;

19:24written with a stylus of iron and on lead, or being engraved on a rock.

19:25For I know that the one being about to enfeeble me is everlasting upon the earth,

19:26to raise up my skin being fatigued by these things. For by the lord these things was exhausted on me,

19:27which I myself am conscious of, which my eye has seen, and not another; but all has been exhausted on me in my bosom.

19:28But if even you shall say, What shall we say before him, and so find the root of the matter in him?

19:29Venerate even to yourselves from a covering! For rage shall come upon the lawless ones, and then they shall know where their material is.