The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Daniel 9

9:1In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, who reigned over the kingdom of Chaldeans,

9:2in year one of his kingdom, I Daniel perceived in the books the number of the years of which the word of the lord became to Jeremiah the prophet for a fulfillment of the desolation of Jerusalem -- seventy years.

9:3And I put my face towards the lord God, to inquire by prayer and supplication, in fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.

9:4And I prayed to the lord my God, and I made acknowledgment, and I said, O lord, the great and wonderful God, keeping your covenant, and the mercy to the ones loving you, and to the ones keeping your commandments;

9:5we sinned, we did wrong, we were impious, and we left and turned aside from your commandments, and from your judgments.

9:6And we did not listen to your servants the prophets, the ones speaking in your name to our kings, and our rulers, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land.

9:7To you, O lord, is righteousness, and to us the shame of face, as this day; to the man of Judah, and to the ones dwelling Jerusalem, and to all Israel, to the ones near, and to the ones far off in all the earth, of which you dispersed them there, for their rebellion in which they annulled covenant with you, O lord.

9:8To us shame of face, and to our kings, and to our rulers, and to our fathers, to the ones who sinned against you.

9:9To the lord our God are the compassions, and the atonements, for we separated from the lord.

9:10And we hearkened not to the voice of the lord our God, to go by his laws, the ones which he executed before our face by the hands of his servants the prophets.

9:11And all Israel violated your law, and turned aside to not hearken to your voice; and there came upon us the curse, and the oath, the one having been written in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we sinned against him.

9:12And he established his words which he spoke against us, and against our judges, the ones judging us, to bring upon us great evils; such as have not taken place underneath all of the heaven, according to the things taking place in Jerusalem.

9:13As was written in the law of Moses, all these evils came upon us. And we did not beseech the face of the lord our God, to turn from our iniquities, and to perceive in all truth.

9:14And the lord our God was vigilant against the evil, and brought them upon us. For the lord our God is just in all his doing which he did. And we hearkened not to his voice.

9:15And now, O lord our God, who led your people from the land of Egypt by a fortified hand, and you made for yourself a name as it is this day -- we sinned, we acted lawlessly, we transgressed.

9:16O lord, in all your charity let turn indeed your rage, and your anger from your city Jerusalem, your holy mountain! For we sinned in our iniquities, and of the ones of our fathers. Jerusalem and your people became for scorn among all the ones surrounding us.

9:17And now, hearken O lord our God, of the prayer of your servant and his supplications! And let your face appear upon your sanctified place, the deserted one, because of you O lord!

9:18Lean, O my God, your ear, and hearken! Open your eyes, and behold our extinction! and of your city upon which your name is called upon it. For not upon our righteousness we toss our compassion before you, but upon your great compassions, O lord.

9:19Hearken, O lord! Atone, O lord! Take heed, O lord! Act, and do not delay for your sake, O lord my God! For your name is called upon your city, and upon your people.

9:20And yet during my speaking, and praying, and declaring openly my sins, and the sins of my people Israel, and tossing my desire for mercy before the lord my God concerning the holy mountain of my God,

9:21and yet during my speaking in the prayer, that behold, the man Gabriel, whom I beheld in the vision at the beginning flying, and he touched me about the hour of the evening sacrifice.

9:22And he brought understanding to me, and spoke with me, and said, O Daniel, now I came forth to instruct you for understanding.

9:23In the beginning of your supplication the word went forth, and I came to announce to you; for you are a man desired. And now reflect in the matter, and perceive in the apparition!

9:24Seventy periods of seven were rendered concise upon your people, and upon the holy city, to finish off sin, and to set a seal upon sins, and to wipe out the lawless deeds, and to atone for iniquities, and to bring eternal righteousness, and to set a seal upon vision and prophecy, and to anoint the holy of holies.

9:25And you shall know and perceive, from the delivery of the word to respond and to build Jerusalem until the anointed one leading -- seven periods of seven, and sixty-two periods of seven. Again the square and wall shall be built in straits of the times.

9:26And after the sixty-two periods of seven, the anointing shall be utterly destroyed, and judgment is no longer in it. And the city, and the holy place he shall corrupt with the one taking the lead, the one coming, and they shall be cut off as in a flood, and he shall order in extinctions until the end of war being terminated.

9:27And he shall strengthen covenant with many one period of sevens; and in the half of the period of seven shall be lifted away sacrifice and libation offering, and upon the temple an abomination of the desolations will be; and until the completion of time, completion shall be given unto the desolation.