The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Daniel 10

10:1In the third year of Cyrus, king of the Persians, the word was uncovered to Daniel (of whom the name was called Belteshazzar) and the word is true. And great ability and understanding was given to him in the apparition.

10:2In those days, I Daniel was mourning three periods of seven of days.

10:3Of desirable bread I ate not, and meat and wine did not go into my mouth, and an anointing I did not anoint with until the fullness of the three period of sevens of days.

10:4On the twentieth and fourth day of the first month, and I was next to the great river -- it is the Tigris.

10:5And I lifted my eyes and looked. And behold, a man, one being clothed with linen clothes, and his loin being girded in gold of Uphaz.

10:6And his body was as Tharsis stone, and his face as a sight of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his legs as the sight of brass shining, and the sound of his words as a sound of a multitude.

10:7And I Daniel alone beheld the apparition. And the men, the ones with me, beheld not the apparition, but a great change of state fell upon them, and they fled in fear.

10:8And I was left behind alone. And I beheld this great apparition, and there was not left in me strength, and my glory converted into corruption, and I held no strength.

10:9And I heard the voice of his words. And in my hearing the sound of his discourses, I was being vexed, and my face was upon the ground.

10:10And behold, a hand was touching me, and raised me upon my knees and palms of my hands.

10:11And he said to me, Daniel, man desired; perceive by the words which I speak to you, and stand at your position! for now I am sent to you. And in his speaking to me this word, I rose up trembling.

10:12And he said to me, Fear not Daniel! for from the first day of which you gave your heart to perceive, and to afflict yourself before the lord your God, your words were heard, and I came because of your words.

10:13And the ruler of the kingdom of the Persians stood right opposite me twenty days and one day. And behold, Michael, one of the rulers of the ones foremost, came to help me; and I left him there with the ruler of the kingdom of the Persians.

10:14And I came to bring understanding to you as much as shall meet your people in last of the days. For the vision is still for days.

10:15And in his speaking with me according to these words, I put my face unto the ground, and was vexed.

10:16And behold, as a likeness of a son of man touched my lips, and I opened my mouth, and I spoke, and said to the one standing before me, O lord, at the apparition of you my within turned in me, and I had not strength.

10:17And how shall your servant be able, O lord, to speak after this my lord? And I, from the present shall not stand with strength in me, and there is no breath left in me.

10:18And proceeded and touched me as it were a vision of a man. And he strengthened me.

10:19And he said to me, Fear not, man desired! Peace to you, be manly and strong! And in his speaking with me, I strengthened, and I said, Speak, my lord! for you strengthened me.

10:20And he said, Do you know why I came to you? And now, I shall return to wage war with the ruler of the Persians. And I coming forth, and the ruler of the Greeks came.

10:21But I will announce to you the arranging in the writing of truth. And there is no one holding with me concerning these things, except Michael your ruler.