The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Daniel 8

8:1In the third year of the kingdom of Belshazzar the king, a vision appeared to me, I Daniel, after the appearing to me the beginning.

8:2And I was in Sushan in the palace, the one which is in the region of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was upon the Ulai.

8:3And I lifted my eyes and looked. And behold, one ram standing before the Ubal; and there was to him horns, and the horns were high; and the one was higher than the other, and the high one ascended up last.

8:4And I beheld the ram butting towards the west, and the north, and the south; and all the wild beasts shall not stand before him, and there was no one rescuing from out of his hand; and he did according to his will, and he was magnified.

8:5And I was perceiving. And behold, a he-goat of the goats came from the southwest upon the face of all the earth, and was not touching the earth. And to the he-goat was a horn which may be viewed between his eyes.

8:6And he came unto the ram, the one having the horns, which I beheld standing before the Ubal, and it ran against him with the thrust of his strength.

8:7And I beheld him anticipating unto the ram, and he was furiously enraged against him, and he hit the ram, and he broke both of his horns; and there was no strength to the ram to stand before him; and he tossed him upon the ground, and trampled upon him, and there was not one rescuing the ram from out of his hand.

8:8And the he-goat of the goats was magnified even unto exceedingly. And in his being strong his great horn was broken, and there ascended another four horns underneath him unto the four winds of the heaven.

8:9And from out of the one of them came forth one strong horn, and was magnified extremely towards the south, and towards the east, and towards the setting of the sun.

8:10And it was magnified unto the force of the heaven; and it fell upon the earth from the force of the of heaven, and from the stars, and he trampled upon them.

8:11And unto the commander-in-chief he was magnified, and through him the sacrifice was disturbed, and the holy place shall be made desolate.

8:12And a sin offering was given for the sacrifice, and righteousness was tossed onto the ground; and he performed and was prospered.

8:13And I heard one holy one speaking. And one holy one said to the Phelmouni, to the one speaking, For how long shall the vision stand, the taking away the sacrifice, and the granting the sin of desolation, and the holy place and the force shall be trampled upon?

8:14And he said to him, Unto evening and morning two thousand three hundred days, and the holy place shall be cleansed.

8:15And it came to pass in my beholding, I Daniel, the vision, and I sought understanding. And behold, there stood before me as an appearance of a man.

8:16And I heard the voice of a man in the midst of the Ulai. And he called, and said, Gabriel, bring understanding the vision for that one!

8:17And he came and stood next to my position. And in his coming I was distraught, and I fell upon my face. And he said to me, Take notice, O son of man! for the vision is still for end time.

8:18And in his speaking with me, I fell upon my face unto the earth. And he touched me, and he stood me upon my feet.

8:19And he said, Behold, I make known to you the things being at the last of the wrath, for it is yet for end of time.

8:20The ram which you beheld, the one having the horns, is the king of the Medes and Persians.

8:21And the he-goat of the goats is the king of the Greeks, and the great horn, the one that was in between his eyes, he is the foremost king.

8:22And of the one being broken, of which four horns stood underneath -- four kings from out of his nation shall rise up, and not in his strength.

8:23And at the last of their kingdom, being full of the sins, shall rise up a king with an impudent face, and perceiving riddles.

8:24And his strength is fortified, and not by his strength. And wonderfully he shall corrupt, and shall prosper, and shall perform, and shall corrupt strong ones, and a holy people.

8:25And the yoke of the collar shall prosper; treachery in his hand, and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by treachery he shall corrupt many, and for a destruction of many he shall establish himself; and as eggs in a hand he shall break.

8:26And the vision of the evening and of the morning of the thing being spoken -- it is true. And you set a seal upon the vision, for it is for many days!

8:27And I Daniel went to bed, and I was infirm for days. And I rose up and I did the works of the king; and I wondered at the vision, and there was no one perceiving.