The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 6

6:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

6:2The soul which ever should sin, and by ignoring should ignore the commandments of the lord, and should lie concerning the neighbor in a matter of trust, or concerning fellowship, or concerning seizure, or he wronged the neighbor in any way,

6:3or he found something lost and should lie concerning it, and should swear by an oath unjustly concerning any one of all which ever a man should do, so as to sin by these.

6:4Then it shall be when ever he should sin, and trespass, that he should give back the seized thing which he seized by force, or the offence which he wronged, or the trust which was placed in him, or the loss which he found of every thing, of which he swore by an oath concerning it unjustly; and he shall pay it, the total sum, and his fifth part shall be added upon it -- whatever is his he shall give back in the day he should be reproved.

6:5And he shall bring for his trespass offering to the lord, an unblemished ram from the flocks, the value for what he trespassed.

6:6And the priest shall atone for him before the lord. And he shall be forgiven for any one of all which he did, and trespassed by it.

6:7And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

6:8Give charge to Aaron and his sons! saying,

6:9This is the law of the bringing the whole burnt-offering. This is the bringing the whole burnt-offering upon its burning upon the altar the entire night until morning; and the fire of the altar shall burn upon it, and shall not be extinguished.

6:10And the priest shall put on a flaxen linen inner garment, and he shall put on flaxen linen pants on his body. And he shall remove the incinerated remains, which ever the fire should have consumed of the whole burnt-offering of the altar. And he shall place it next to the altar.

6:11And he shall take off his apparel, and shall put on other apparel. And he shall bring forth the incinerated remains outside the camp unto a clean place.

6:12And the fire upon the altar shall be kept burning upon it, it shall not be extinguished. And the priest shall burn wood upon it in the morning by morning; and he shall pile upon it the whole burnt-offering. And he shall place upon it the fat of the deliverance offering.

6:13And fire shall always burn upon the altar; it shall not be extinguished.

6:14This is the law of the sacrifice offering which the sons of Aaron shall bring it before the lord, before the altar.

6:15And he shall remove from it a handful of fine flour of the sacrifice offering with its olive oil, and with all its frankincense being upon the sacrifice. And he shall offer up upon the altar a yield offering scent of pleasant aroma, a memorial of it to the lord.

6:16And the remainder of it Aaron shall eat and his sons. It shall be eaten unleavened in a holy place; in the courtyard of the tent of the testimony they shall eat it.

6:17It shall not be baked being leavened. I have given it as a portion to them of the yield offerings of the lord. It is a holy of holies, as the one for the sin offering, and as the one for the trespass offering.

6:18Every male of the priests shall eat it -- an eternal law unto your generations of the yield offerings of the lord. All who ever should touch them shall be sanctified.

6:19And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

6:20This is the gift offering of Aaron and his sons which they shall bring to the lord in the day which ever you shall anoint him -- the tenth of the ephah of fine flour for a sacrifice offering always, half of it in the morning, and half of it at dusk.

6:21You shall prepare it upon a frying pan with olive oil. He shall bring it being mixed up, kneaded, as a sacrifice of pieces; he shall bring a sacrifice for a scent of pleasant aroma to the lord.

6:22And the anointed priest in place of him from his sons will prepare it. It is an eternal law to the lord -- all shall be completed.

6:23And every sacrifice offering of a priest shall be wholly burnt, and it shall not be eaten.

6:24And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

6:25Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, This is the law of the sin offering. In the place where they slay the whole burnt-offerings, they shall slay also the one for the sin offering before the lord -- it is a holy of holies.

6:26The priest offering it, he shall eat it in a holy place; he shall eat it in the courtyard of the tent of the testimony.

6:27Every one touching of its meats shall be sanctified. And to whom ever should be sprinkled upon of its blood, upon the cloak -- the one who should be sprinkled upon by it shall be washed in a holy place.

6:28And an earthenware item of what ever should have been boiled in it, it shall be broken. And if it should have been boiled in an item of brass, he shall scour it, and wash it out in water.

6:29Every male among the priests shall eat it; it is a holy of holies to the lord.

6:30And all the meats concerning the sin offering, what ever might be carried in of their blood into the tent of the testimony to atone in the holy place, shall not be eaten; it shall be incinerated in fire.