The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 22

22:1And undertaking, Eliphaz the Temanite says,

22:2Is it not the lord that is the one teaching understanding and higher knowledge?

22:3For what does it concern the lord if you were blameless in works, or what benefit that you simplify your way?

22:4or making your word will he reprove you? and will he enter together with you for judgment?

22:5Is it not that your evil is much, and your sins are innumerable?

22:6And you took security of your brethren without cause, and you removed clothing of the naked.

22:7Nor did you give water to drink for the thirsting, and you deprived a morsel of ones hungering.

22:8And you admired the faces of some; you resettled the poor upon the earth;

22:9and you sent out widows empty, and you inflicted evil on orphans.

22:10Accordingly snares encircled you, and an extraordinary war hurried you.

22:11The light resulted in darkness for you; and in going to sleep water covered you.

22:12Is it not that the one inhabiting the high places inspects? and he humbled the ones bearing insolence?

22:13And you said, What does the mighty one know? or does he judge in the dark?

22:14A cloud is his concealment, and he shall not be seen; and the curve of heaven he travels over.

22:15Will you not guard the eternal road which unjust men trod?

22:16The ones who were seized untimely are as a river overflowing their foundations.

22:17The ones saying, The lord, what will he do to us? or what will the almighty bring upon us?

22:18And he is the one who filled up their houses with good things; but the counsel of the impious is at a distance from him.

22:19In beholding, the just laugh; and the blameless one sneers at them.

22:20Except their support vanished, and fire shall devour their vestige.

22:21Become firm indeed! if you should remain, so that your fruit will be for good things.

22:22And take an utterance from out of his mouth! and take up his sayings in your heart!

22:23And if you should turn and humble yourself before the lord, then you made wrongdoing to be a distance from your habitation.

22:24You shall put upon an embankment in rock, even as a rock of a rushing stream of Ophir.

22:25Then the almighty will be your helper from the enemies, and he will render you clean as purified silver.

22:26So then, you shall speak openly before the lord, looking up into the heaven happily.

22:27And of your vowing to him, he will listen to you; and he will give to you power to render the vows.

22:28And he will restore to you a habitation of righteousness, and upon your ways will be brightness.

22:29For one humbled himself; and you shall say, He is prideful, but the one having downcast eyes, he shall deliver.

22:30He shall rescue the innocent; but be delivered in your cleanness of hands!