The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Numbers 30

30:1And Moses spoke to the rulers of the tribes of the sons of Israel, saying, This is the saying which the lord ordered.

30:2A man, a man who ever should vow a vow to the lord, or should swear by an oath, or should confirm a set of limits upon his life, he shall not profane his word; all as many things as should come forth from out of his mouth he shall do.

30:3And if a woman should vow a vow to the lord, or confirm a set of limits in the house of her father in her youth;

30:4and her father should hear her vows, and her sets of limits which she confirmed on her life, and her father should remain silent, then shall stand all the matters of her vows, and all the sets of limits which she confirmed on her life she shall abide by.

30:5But if in shaking his head in dissent her father should dissent in which ever day he should hear her vows, and her sets of limits which she confirmed on her life, then they shall not stand; and the lord shall clear her for her father shook his head in dissent.

30:6But if in coming to pass she should become a man's wife, and her vows be upon her, according to the distinction from her lips as many things as she confirmed on her life;

30:7and her husband should hear, and should remain silent concerning her in which ever day he should hear, then thus shall stand all her vows; and her sets of limits which she confirmed on her life shall stand.

30:8But if in shaking his head in dissent her husband should dissent in which ever day he should hear all her vows, and her sets of limits which she confirmed on her life, they shall not abide, for her husband shook his head in dissent concerning her, and the lord shall clear her.

30:9And a vow of a widow, and a woman being cast out, as many things as she should make a vow on her life, shall abide to her.

30:10But if in the house of her husband her vow be, or the set of limits on her life with an oath,

30:11and her husband should hear, and remain silent concerning her, and should not shake his head in dissent concerning her, then shall stand all her vows; and all her sets of limits which she confirmed on her life shall stand concerning her.

30:12But if in removing her husband should remove them, in which ever day he should hear, all as many things as should come forth from out of her lips concerning her vows, and concerning the sets of limits on her life; it shall not remain to her, her husband removed them, and the lord cleared her.

30:13Every vow and every binding oath to afflict her soul, her husband shall set for her, and her husband shall remove for her.

30:14But if in keeping silent he should remain silent at her day by day, then all her vows shall stand to her; and the sets of limits upon her shall stand to her, for he kept silent at her in the day in which he heard.

30:15But if removing her husband should remove them after the day which he heard them, then he shall take the sin unto himself.

30:16These are the ordinances, as many as the lord gave charge to Moses between a husband and between his wife, and between a father and daughter in youth in the house of her father.