The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 22

22:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

22:2And you, O son of man, shall you judge the city of blood? Yes, hold her forth for an example for all her lawless deeds!

22:3And you shall say, Thus says the Lord the lord; O city shedding blood in the midst of herself, so that her time should come, and prepares thoughts against herself, to defile herself.

22:4In your blood which you shed, you have fallen; and in your ideas which you produced you defiled yourself; and your days drew near, and brought on the time of your years. On account of this I have given you for scorning by the nations, and for mocking by all the regions,

22:5the ones near to you, and the ones far at a distance from you. And they shall mock against you, O one famously unclean, and great in lawless deeds.

22:6Behold, the ones guiding the house of Israel each blends together with his relatives against you, so as to shed blood.

22:7They spoke evil of father and mother among you. And against the foreigner they behaved with injustice among you. Orphan and widow they tyrannize among you.

22:8And my holy things they treat with contempt, and my Sabbaths they profaned among you.

22:9The men were robbers among you, so that they shed blood among you. And they were eating upon the mountains to idols among you. They committed unholiness in your midst.

22:10They uncovered the shame of the father among you; and they abased the woman sitting apart in her uncleannesses among you.

22:11Each with the wife of his neighbor acted lawlessly; and each defiled his daughter-in-law in impiety; and each abased his sister the daughter of his father among you.

22:12They took bribes among you so that they should shed blood. Interest and usury they received among you; and you completed the consummation of your evil by tyranny; and you forgot me, says Adonai the lord.

22:13And if I should strike my hand against my hand against the evils which you have been exhausted in the things which you did, and against the blood shed by you being in your midst,

22:14shall your heart stand, no. Shall your hands hold in the days in which I do unto you, no. I the lord have spoken, and I will do it.

22:15And I will disperse you among the nations, and I will scatter you among the regions, and your uncleanness shall vanish from you.

22:16And I will allot among you before the eyes of the nations, and you shall know that I am the lord.

22:17And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

22:18O son of man, behold, the house of Israel has become to me an intermingling of all brass, and iron, and tin, and lead; they are in the midst of a furnace of silver being intermingled.

22:19On account of this, say! Thus says Adonai the lord; Because you became all for one admixture, on account of this I will take you in the midst of Jerusalem.

22:20As silver is taken, and brass, and iron, and tin, and lead in the midst of the furnace, to blow fire into it, for the casting in a furnace. So I will take you in my anger, and in my rage, and I will gather and cast you in a furnace.

22:21And I will blow upon you in the fire of my anger, and you shall be cast in a furnace in the midst of it.

22:22In which manner silver is cast in a furnace in the midst of the furnace, so shall you be cast in a furnace in the midst of it. And you shall realize that I the lord poured out my rage upon you.

22:23And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

22:24O son of man, say to her! You are the land, the land not having rain, nor rain came upon you in the day of anger.

22:25Of whom the ones guiding in her midst are as roaring lions seizing prey by force; devouring souls by domination, and taking honor; and your widows are multiplied in your midst.

22:26And her priests annulled my law, and they profaned my holy things. Between holy and profane they distinguished not, and between unclean and the clean they distinguished not; and from my Sabbaths they covered up their eyes, and I was profaned in their midst.

22:27Her rulers in her midst are as wolves seizing prey to shed blood, to destroy lives, so that their desire for wealth should overabound.

22:28And her prophets anointing them shall fall seeing vanities, using lying oracles, saying, Thus says Adonai the lord, but the lord has not spoken.

22:29The people of the land are pressuring iniquity, and tearing in pieces the prey, tyrannizing the poor and needy, and not behaving with equity to the foreigner.

22:30And I sought of them a man behaving rightly, and standing before my face soundly in the time of the anger, so as to not wipe her away unto the end -- but I did not find.

22:31And I poured out upon her my rage, by the fire of my anger, to complete it. I have imputed their ways unto their heads, says Adonai the Lord.