The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 21

21:1And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

21:2On account of this, prophesy O son of man, and firmly fix your face against Jerusalem, and look upon their holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel!

21:3And you shall say to the land of Israel, Thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I am against you, and I will pull my knife from out of its sheath, and I will utterly destroy from you the lawless one and unjust one.

21:4Because I will utterly destroy the unjust one and the lawless one from out of you, so shall my knife come forth from out of its sheath against all flesh, from the east unto the north.

21:5And all flesh shall realize that I the lord pulled out my knife from out of its sheath; and it shall not turn back any longer.

21:6And you, O son of man, groan in the breaking of your loins. And in griefs you shall moan before their eyes.

21:7And it will be if they should say to you, For what reason do you moan? that you shall say, For the message, for it comes, and every heart shall be devastated, and all hands shall be disabled, and all flesh shall expire, and every spirit, and all thighs shall be tainted by wetness. Behold, it comes and it shall be, says the lord God.

21:8And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

21:9O son of man, prophesy! And you shall say, Thus says Adonai the lord; Say, O broadsword, O broadsword, sharpen and be enraged!

21:10so that you should slay victims for slaughter. Be sharpened! so that you should become shiny. Prepare for paralysis! Slay! Treat with contempt! Put aside every tree!

21:11And he made it ready for his hand to hold. The broadsword is made very sharp, it is ready to put it into the hand of one piercing.

21:12Shout aloud and shriek, O son of man! for it happened unto my people. It is come upon all the ones guiding Israel. They shall sojourn upon the broadsword. It happened unto my people. On account of this, clap with your hand!

21:13for justice has been done. And what if even the tribe be thrust away? It will not be, says Adonai the lord.

21:14And you, O son of man, prophesy, and clap hand upon hand! And repeat the broadsword! The third broadsword is of slain ones, the great broadsword of the slain. And you shall amaze them,

21:15so that the heart should be devastated, and the ones being weakened should be multiplied at every gate of theirs. They have been delivered up as victims for slaughter by the broadsword. Well done keen one being for slaughter. Well done one being for shining. As lightning go forth!

21:16Sharpen from the right and from the left! wherever your face should be aroused.

21:17And I also will clap my hand to my hand, and I will slacken my rage; I the lord, have spoken.

21:18And the word of the lord came to me, saying,

21:19And you, O son of man, set in order to yourself two ways! for the broadsword of the king of Babylon to enter. From out of one place shall come forth the two companies; and set in order a hand at the top of the street of the city upon the corner of the street,

21:20for the broadsword to enter upon Rabbath of the sons of Ammon, and upon Judah, and upon Jerusalem in an assault.

21:21For the king of Babylon shall stand upon the ancient way, upon the corner of the two streets to use oracles for divination, to stir up the rod, and to ask among the carved images, and to watch livers.

21:22From his right became the oracle against Jerusalem, to throw up a siege mound, to open wide the mouth in yelling, to raise up high a voice with a cry, to throw up a siege mound against her gates, and to throw up an embankment, and to build a range of weapons.

21:23And he to them was as one using oracles for divination before them, and he himself calling to mind their iniquity to be seized.

21:24On account of this, Thus says Adonai the lord Because you called to mind your iniquities in the uncovering of your impiety to see your sins, in all your lawlessnesses, and in all your practices; because you called to mind, in these you shall be captured.

21:25And you, O profane lawless one guiding Israel, whose day is come in time of iniquity -- an end,

21:26thus says Adonai the lord; Remove the turban, and put aside the crown! This will not be such. You abased the high, and raised up high the low.

21:27Injustice, Injustice, I will appoint it. Neither this will be such until of which time the one who is fit shall come, and I will deliver up to him.

21:28And you, O son of man, prophesy! And you shall say, Thus says Adonai the lord to the sons of Ammon, and concerning their scorning. And you shall say, O broadsword, O broadsword, being unsheathed for victims for slaughter, and being unsheathed for consummation, arise so as to shine!

21:29In your vain vision, and in your using lying oracles to deliver yourself upon the necks of the slain lawless ones which is come the day in the time of iniquity -- the end.

21:30Return to your sheath! In this place which you were engendered in your own land, I will judge you.

21:31And I will pour out upon you my anger. In the fire of my anger I will breathe against you, and I will deliver you into the hands of barbaric men contriving corruption.

21:32By fire you will be a thing devoured; your blood will be in the midst of your land; in no way shall there be memory of you; for I the lord have spoken.