The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Numbers 5

5:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

5:2Assign to the sons of Israel, and let them send out from the camp every leper, and every one having gonorrhea, and every one unclean from a dead soul!

5:3from male unto female you send them outside the camp! for in no way shall they defile their camp in which I occupy among them.

5:4And the sons of Israel did thus. And they sent them outside the camp as the lord said to Moses -- thus the sons of Israel did.

5:5And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

5:6Speak to the sons of Israel! saying, A man or woman, who ever should commit of all the sins of mankind, and ignoring should ignore, and that soul should trespass,

5:7he should declare openly the sin which he did, and shall give for the trespass offering the total sum, and the fifth part of it he shall add unto it, and shall give back to whomever he trespassed against him.

5:8But if there might not be to the man acting as next of kin, so as to give to him satisfaction for the trespass offering, let the trespass offering, the one being given be to the lord -- it shall be for the priest, besides the ram of the atonement, by which he shall atone with it for him.

5:9And every first-fruit of all the things having been sanctified among the sons of Israel, as many as they should offer to the lord, will be for the priest himself.

5:10And the things of each man having been sanctified it will be his; and a man, who ever should give anything to the priest, to him it will be his.

5:11And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

5:12Speak to the sons of Israel! and you shall say to them, The man, a man if his wife should violate, and in overlooking should ignore him,

5:13and anyone should go to bed with her in the marriage-bed of semen, and it should be unaware from the eyes of her husband, and she should hide it, and herself should be defiled, and there should be no witness against her, and she should not be conceived;

5:14and there should come upon him a spirit of jealousy, and he should be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled; or there should come upon him a spirit of jealousy and he should be jealous of his wife, and she should not be defiled;

5:15then the man shall lead his wife to the priest, and he shall bring the gift for her, the tenth of the ephah of flour of barley; he shall not pour upon it olive oil, nor shall he place upon it frankincense; for it is a sacrifice for jealousy, a sacrifice of memorial, calling to mind sin.

5:16And the priest shall bring her, and stand her before the lord.

5:17And the priest shall take clean living water in an earthenware receptacle, and some of the earth being upon the floor of the tent of the testimony; and taking it, the priest shall put it into the water.

5:18And the priest shall stand the woman before the lord, and he shall uncover the head of the woman, and he shall give unto her hands the sacrifice of memorial, the sacrifice of jealousy; but in the hand of the priest will be the water of rebuke, the one accursing this.

5:19And the priest shall adjure her, and he shall say to the woman, If no one has gone to bed with you, if you have not violated to be defiled being under your own husband, be innocent from this accursing by the water of rebuke!

5:20But if being married you violated, or were defiled, and any gave of his marriage-bed with you, besides your husband;

5:21then the priest shall bind the woman by the oaths of this imprecation. And the priest shall say to the woman, May the lord appoint you to a curse and solemn affirmation in the midst of your people, in the lord giving of your thigh to miscarry, and your belly to bloat;

5:22and this accursing water shall enter into your belly to bloat pregnant and to miscarry by your thigh. And the woman shall say, May it be. May it be.

5:23And the priest shall write these imprecations on a scroll, and shall wipe them away in the water of the rebuke of the accursing.

5:24And he shall give to drink to the woman the water of the rebuke of the accursing; and shall enter into her the water of the rebuke of the accursing.

5:25And the priest shall take from out of the hand of the woman the sacrifice of jealousy, and shall place the sacrifice before the lord. And he shall bring her unto the altar.

5:26And the priest shall grab from the sacrifice as a memorial of it, and he shall offer it upon the altar; and after these things he will cause the woman to drink the water.

5:27And it shall be if she should be defiled, and in forgetfulness her husband should be unaware, then shall enter into her the water of rebuke of accursing, and the belly shall bloat, and her thigh shall miscarry. And the woman will be for a curse to her people.

5:28But if the woman should not be defiled, and should be clean, then she will be innocent, and shall produce offspring of semen.

5:29This is the law of the jealousy in which ever a woman being married should violate and should be defiled;

5:30or a man who ever should have a spirit of jealousy come upon him, and should be jealous of his wife, and should stand his wife before the lord, then the priest shall do to her all this law.

5:31And the man will be innocent from sin. And that woman shall take the sin on herself.