The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Lamentations 3

3:1I am a man, one seeing poorness by a rod of his rage upon me.

3:2He took me; he led me away into darkness, and not light.

3:3Only against me he turned his hand the entire day.

3:4He aged my flesh and my skin; he broke my bones.

3:5He built against me, and he encircled my head, and troubled me.

3:6In dark places he settled me as dead ones of the eon.

3:7He built against me, and I shall not come forth. He weighed down my brass chain.

3:8Yes indeed, for though I shall cry out and yell, he shut out my prayer.

3:9He blocked up my ways; he obstructed my roads; he disturbed me.

3:10He is a bear lying in wait for me, as a lion in a secret place.

3:11He pursued me after I revolted, and caused me to cease. He established me for being obliterated.

3:12He stretched tight his bow, and he set up a stone target for me as the aim for the arrow.

3:13He brought the poison from his quivers into my kidneys.

3:14I became laughter to all my people, their psalm for the entire day.

3:15He filled me with bitterness; he intoxicated me with bile,

3:16and he knocked out my teeth by a small stone; he fed me ashes,

3:17and he thrust away my soul from peace. I forgot good things.

3:18And I said, My victory perished, and my hope from the lord.

3:19I remembered because of my poorness, and of my persecution, of my bitterness, and of my bile.

3:20I shall be remembered, and my soul shall converse with me.

3:21This I will arrange into my heart; on account of this I will wait.

3:22The mercies of the lord, for they finished not, for his charities failed not.

3:23The ones new in the morning; great is your trust.

3:24The lord is my portion, said my soul, on account of this I will wait for him.

3:25The lord is good to the ones waiting on him, the soul which shall seek him.

3:26It is good, and he shall wait and shall be still for the deliverance of the lord.

3:27It is good for a man whenever he should lift a yoke from his youth.

3:28He will sit down alone, and will keep silent, for he lifted it upon himself.

3:29He shall put his mouth in dust; if perhaps there is hope.

3:30He will give his cheek to the one hitting him. He will be filled of scornings.

3:31For not into the eon shall the lord thrust away.

3:32For the one he humbled he shall pity, according to the multitude of his mercy.

3:33He was not answered from his heart, and he humbled sons of man,

3:34to humble under his feet all the prisoners of the earth,

3:35to turn aside a judgment of a man over against the face of the highest,

3:36to condemn mankind in judging him, the lord did not say it.

3:37Who thus spoke, and it came to pass, but the lord did not give charge?

3:38From out of the mouth of the highest shall not come forth bad and good?

3:39Why does a living man grumble; a man concerning his sin?

3:40Our way was searched out and examined, and we should turn unto the lord.

3:41We should lift up our hearts with our hands to the height in heaven.

3:42We sinned, we were impious, and you atoned not.

3:43You enveloped in rage, and banished us. You killed and spared not.

3:44You enveloped yourself with a cloud because of prayer to close my eyelids.

3:45And to be thrust away you put us in the midst of the peoples.

3:46All our enemies opened wide their mouth against us.

3:47Fear and stupefaction was to us; haughtiness and destruction.

3:48My eye shall lead down releases of waters upon the destruction of the daughter of my people.

3:49My eye was swallowed down and I shall not be quiet, to not be sober,

3:50until of which time the lord should look through and should behold from out of heaven.

3:51My eye shall glean upon my soul because of all the daughters of the city.

3:52In hunting my enemies hunted me as a sparrow freely.

3:53They put to death my life in the pit, and they placed a stone upon me.

3:54Water overflowed upon my head. I said, I am thrust away.

3:55I called upon your name, O lord, from out of the lowermost pit.

3:56My voice you heard; you should not hide your ears to my supplication.

3:57You approached for my help in the day in which I called upon you. You said to me, Do not fear!

3:58You adjudicated, O lord, the punishments of my soul. You ransomed my life.

3:59You saw, O lord, my disturbances. You judged my case.

3:60You beheld all their vengeance, and all their devices against me.

3:61You heard their scorning, all their devices against me;

3:62the lips of ones rising up against me, and their meditations against me the entire day;

3:63their sitting down, and their rising up. Look upon their eyes!

3:64You shall recompense to them a recompense, O lord, according to the works of their hands.

3:65You shall recompense to them, while shielding the trouble of my heart.

3:66You shall pursue them in anger, and shall completely consume them beneath the heaven, O lord.