The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Lamentations 4

4:1O how the gold shall be darkened, and the good silver changed; holy stones were discharged at the top of all the streets,

4:2even the esteemed sons of Zion being encouraged by gold, O how they are considered as earthenware receptacles, works of the hands of the potter.

4:3And indeed, dragons stripped the breasts, they nursed their cubs; the daughters of my people were for irretrievability as a sparrow in the wilderness.

4:4The tongue of one nursing cleaves to its throat in thirst. Infants ask for bread, there is not one snapping it for them.

4:5The ones eating the delicacies were removed in the streets. The ones having been suckled in scarlet were embracing dung.

4:6And the lawlessness of the daughter of my people was magnified over the lawlessness of Sodom, the place being eradicated as with promptness, and they did not toil in her hands.

4:7Her Nazarites were clean; they radiated more than snow; they were purified more than milk. Their broken pieces were above stone of sapphire,

4:8their appearance darkened above lamp black, they are not recognized in the streets; their skin was fixed against their bones; they are dried up, they were as wood.

4:9Better were the ones slain by the broadsword than the ones slain by hunger; they went being pierced by want of produce of the fields.

4:10The hands of pitying women boiled their children; they became for food to them in the destruction of the daughter of my people.

4:11The lord completed his rage; he poured out the rage of his anger, and lit a fire in Zion, and it devoured her foundations.

4:12The kings of the earth believed not, all the ones dwelling, the ones living, that an enemy and one afflicting shall enter through the gates of Jerusalem,

4:13because of the sins of her prophets, and iniquities of her priests, the ones pouring out just blood in her midst.

4:14Her watchmen were shaken in the streets; they were tainted with blood in their not being able; they touched their garments with it.

4:15Separate from the unclean! Call them! Separate, separate, do not touch! for they were lit, and indeed, they were shaken. Say among the nations! In no way should they proceed to sojourn there.

4:16The person of the lord was their portion; he shall not proceed to look upon them. The person of the priests they did not receive; they did not show mercy on old men.

4:17Yet in our being, our eyes failed. Our watching for our help was in vain. We watched unto a nation not delivering.

4:18They hunted our small ones to not go into our squares. Our time approached; our days were fulfilled; our end is at hand.

4:19The ones pursuing us were nimble, more than eagles of heaven. Upon the mountains they perched; in a wilderness they lie in wait for us.

4:20The breath of our face, the anointed one, the lord was seized in our corruptions, of whom we said, In his shadow we shall live among the nations.

4:21Rejoice and be glad O daughter of Edom! the one dwelling upon the land of Uz! And indeed unto you shall go through the cup of the lord. You shall be intoxicated and shall pour forth.

4:22Your lawlessness is vanished, O daughter of Zion. He shall not proceed unto the resettling you. He visited your lawlessness, O daughter of Edom; he revealed concerning your acts of impiety.