The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Lamentations 5

5:1Remember, O lord, what happened to us! Look upon and behold our scorn!

5:2Our inheritance was converted over to aliens; our houses to strangers.

5:3We were orphans; there does not exist a father; our mothers are as widows.

5:4We drank our water for money; our wood came in barter.

5:5Unto our neck we were pursued; we tired; we were not rested.

5:6Egypt gave a hand; Assyria for their plenty.

5:7Our fathers sinned, and they do not exist; we underwent their violations of the law.

5:8Servants lorded over us; there is not one ransoming from out of their hand.

5:9With our lives we will carry in our bread from in front of the broadsword of the wilderness.

5:10Our skin was darkened as an oven; they were made to shrivel from the face of blasts of famine.

5:11They abased women in Zion, virgins in the cities of Judah.

5:12Rulers were hanged by their hands; elders were not extolled;

5:13chosen men took up weeping, and young men weakened in wood bearing.

5:14And old men ceased from the gate; chosen men ceased from their psalms.

5:15Joy of our heart rested up; our dance turned into mourning.

5:16The crown of our head fell; and woe to us for we sinned.

5:17On account of this grief in our heart became grievous; on account of this, our eyes darkened.

5:18Upon mount Zion, for it was obliterated, foxes went through in it.

5:19But you, O lord, shall dwell into the eon; your throne is unto generation and generation.

5:20Why for victory shall you forget us? Will you forsake us unto the duration of days?

5:21Turn us to you! O lord, and we shall be turned; and renew our days as before!

5:22For in thrusting away, you thrusted us away; you were provoked to anger against us, unto exceedingly.