The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Lamentations 2

2:1O How the lord darkened his anger for the daughter of Zion. He hurled down from out of heaven unto the earth the glory of Israel, and he remembered not the stool of his feet in a day of wrath of his rage.

2:2the lord sunk, not sparing, all the beautiful things of Jacob. He demolished in his rage the fortresses of the daughter of Judah. He cleaved unto the ground. He profaned her king and her ruler.

2:3He broke in pieces in anger of his rage all the horn of Israel. He turned back his right hand from the face of the enemy, and he lit in Jacob a flame as fire, and it devoured all the things round about.

2:4He stretched tight his bow as an enemy. He stiffened his right hand as an opponent, and he killed all the desirable things of my eyes in the tent of the daughter of Zion. He poured out his anger as fire.

2:5The lord became as an enemy. He sunk Israel, he sunk all his palaces. He utterly destroyed his fortresses, and multiplied to the daughter of Judah the one humbling and the one being humbled.

2:6And he opened and spread out his tent as a grapevine. his holiday feast was corrupted. The lord forgot what he appointed in Zion -- the holiday feast and the Sabbath; and the threatening of his anger provoked king and priest.

2:7The lord thrust away his altar, he brushed off his sanctuary, he broke by the hand of the enemy the wall of her palaces; they gave a sound in the house of the lord, as in the day of holiday.

2:8The lord devised to ruin the wall of the daughter of Zion. He stretched out a measure, he did not return his hand from trampling; and the area around the wall mourned, and the wall with one accord was weakened.

2:9Her gates are stuck into the ground; he destroyed and broke her gate bars. Her king and her rulers are in the nations. There is no law, and indeed her prophets beheld not a vision by the lord.

2:10They sat upon the ground; the elders of the daughter of Zion kept silent. They brought dust upon their head; they girded on sackcloths; they led down to the ground the heads of virgins in Jerusalem.

2:11My eyes failed with tears; my heart is disturbed; my glory is poured out onto the ground over the destruction of the daughter of my people, in the failing infant and ones nursing in the squares of the city.

2:12To their mothers they said, Where is the grain and wine? while they were enfeebled as wounded men in the squares of the city, in the pouring out of their souls into the bosom of their mothers.

2:13What shall I testify? or what shall I liken to you, O daughter of Jerusalem? Who shall deliver you, O virgin daughter of Zion? For the cup of your destruction was enlarged; Who shall heal you?

2:14Your prophets saw for you vanities and folly, and they uncovered not upon your iniquity, to turn your captivity; and they beheld for you vain concerns and purgations.

2:15All the ones passing in the way clap hands over you; they whistle and shake their head over the daughter of Jerusalem, Is she the city, they shall say, the crown of glory of gladness of all the earth?

2:16All your enemies opened their mouth wide against you. They whistled and gnashed their teeth. They said, We swallowed her down. Besides, this is the day which we expected; we found it, we saw it.

2:17The lord did what he pondered. He completed his word which he gave charge from days of old. He demolished, and spared not, and he gladdened the enemy over you, He raised up high the horn of the one afflicting you.

2:18Their heart yelled out to the lord, saying, O walls of Zion, lead down tears as a rushing stream day and night! And give soberness to yourself; neither let the pupil of your eye keep quiet!

2:19Rise up to meditate in the night! At the beginnings of your watch pour out your heart as water before the face of the lord! Lift to him your hands for the lives of your infants, of the ones fainting from hunger at the corner of all the streets!

2:20Behold, O lord, and look upon what you gleaned thus! Shall the women eat the fruit of their belly? Shall infants nursing breasts be murdered? Shall you kill in the sanctuary of the lord the priest and prophet?

2:21The boy and old man went to bed on the ground in the street; my virgins and my young men went into captivity by broadsword; by famine you killed; in the day of your anger you cut up, you spared not.

2:22You called as in a day of holiday for my sojourners round about; and there was not in the day of anger of the lord one being rescued and being left behind, as I prevailed, and I filled all my enemies.