The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 30

30:1And now the least of them ridicule me; now they admonish me in turn -- whom I treated their fathers with contempt, whom I did not esteem to be worthy of dogs of my grazing flocks.

30:2And indeed, what profit is the strength of their hands to me? It was destroyed of them to completion.

30:3In lack and hunger one is barren, as the ones fleeing waterless yesterday in conflict and misery.

30:4The ones breaking off the marine plant upon the sounding shore, whose marine plants were for their grain; and were without honor, and being treated as worthless, lacking of every good thing; and the roots of trees gnawed because of great hunger.

30:5Thieves rose up against me,

30:6whom their houses were burrows of rocks.

30:7the ones who pass life under wild stick dwellings shall yell in the midst of distinct places.

30:8They are sons of fools and have a name without honor, and fame extinguished from the earth.

30:9And now I am their harp, and they have me for a common topic.

30:10And they abhorred me, separating far from me; and from my face they spared not spittle.

30:11For having opened his quiver he afflicted me; and sent away the bridle of my presence.

30:12They rose up against me on the right hand of their offspring. He stretched out his feet and opened against me; with paths of their destruction

30:13they obliterated my paths; for he took off my apparel; with his spear he ran me through;

30:14and he has judged me as he wills; in griefs I am befouled.

30:15My griefs return; my hope was set out as if the wind, and my deliverance as if a cloud.

30:16And now my soul shall be poured out upon me; and days of griefs suffice me.

30:17And at night my bones burn, and my nerves are parted.

30:18With great strength it took hold of my robe; as the cleft of my garment it compassed me.

30:19And you have esteemed me equal to clay; in earth and ashes is my portion.

30:20And I have cried out to you, and you hear me not; they stood and contemplated me.

30:21And you mounted against me mercilessly; you whipped me with a strong hand.

30:22And you arranged against me with griefs; and you threw me away from deliverance.

30:23For I know that death will obliterate me; for the house of every mortal is ground.

30:24For ought that I should be able to lay hands upon myself, or indeed beseech another and he should do this to me.

30:25And I wept over every disabled man; and I moaned beholding man in necessities.

30:26I waited for good things, and behold bad days met with me instead.

30:27My belly erupted, and would not keep silent; days of poorness anticipated me.

30:28I went moaning without a rein; and I have stood in the assembly crying out.

30:29I have become a brother of sirens, and companion of ostriches.

30:30My skin is darkened greatly, and my bones from sweltering heat.

30:31And my harp turned into mourning, and my psalm into weeping for me.