The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 31

31:1I made a covenant with my eyes, and I will not take notice upon a virgin.

31:2And what portion is from God above, and what fit inheritance is from the highest?

31:3Woe, destruction to the unjust, and alienation to the one committing lawlessness.

31:4Will he not see my way, and count out all my footsteps?

31:5But if I was going with jokesters, or even hurrying my foot for treachery;

31:6(for I stand in a just yoke balance scale, and the lord knew my innocence);

31:7if my foot turned aside from out of the way, or if even my heart follows after my eye, and if even my hands touched bribes;

31:8then may I sow, and others eat; and may I become rootless upon the earth.

31:9If my heart followed after the wife of another man, and if I had laid in wait at her doors;

31:10then may my wife even please another; and may my infants be humbled.

31:11For the rage of anger is unrestrained in the defiling of a man's wife.

31:12For it is a fire burning upon all the parts; and whomever it may come upon it destroyed from the roots.

31:13And if even I treated as worthless the equity due my male attendant or female attendant, in their pleading with me,

31:14what then shall I do if the lord shall appoint chastisement for me? and if also he should visit, what answer shall I make?

31:15Were they not even as I, born in a womb? and these were born, and we were born in the same belly.

31:16But the disabled missed not whatever need they had at some time or other; and I wasted not the eye of the widow.

31:17And even if I ate my morsel alone, and I shared of it not with an orphan,

31:18(for from my youth I nourished them as a father, and from the womb of my mother I guided);

31:19and even if I overlooked the naked perishing, and clothed him not;

31:20and the disabled, unless they blessed me, and of the shearing wool of my lambs their shoulders were not heated;

31:21and if I lifted up a hand against an orphan, (relying that much help remained to me);

31:22then may my shoulder separate from the collar-bone, and may my arm be broken from the elbow.

31:23For the fear of the lord constrained me; from his concern I shall not endure.

31:24If I ordered up gold for my strength; and if even I relied upon very costly stone;

31:25and even if great gladness in riches was coming to me; and if also I put my hand upon innumerable things;

31:26(or do we not see the shining sun subsiding, and the moon waning? For there is no power to them).

31:27And if my heart was deceived in private; and if I was fond of placing my hand upon my mouth;

31:28then let this be imputed so to me as the greatest lawlessness; for I lied before the lord of the highest.

31:29And even if I became gratified at the calamitous downfall of my enemies; and said in my heart, Well done!

31:30Let then my ear hear my curse, and may I then be a common topic by my people for my inflicting evil.

31:31And if even often my female attendants said, Who ever might give to us his flesh to satisfy? exceedingly of my being gracious.

31:32for the stranger lodged not outside, and my door was open to all that came.

31:33And if even of sins, unintentionally I hid my sin,

31:34(for I was not diverted by a great multitude to not openly declare before them); and if even I allowed a disabled man to go forth from my door with an empty bosom,

31:35(oh that there might be given one to hear me), but unless I was in awe of the hand of the lord; and as to a writ which I had against anyone,

31:36putting it on a crown upon even my shoulders I read it.

31:37And unless tearing it I gave it back having received nothing from a debtor.

31:38If perhaps the earth moaned against me, and even if her furrows wept with one accord;

31:39and even if of its strength I ate alone without value; and if even in taking anything of the life of the master of the land I fretted him;

31:40instead of wheat then may there come forth to me nettles; and instead of barley a bush. And Job ceased words.