The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 32

32:1And they were quiet, and his three friends no longer contradicted Job, for Job was righteous before them.

32:2And Elihu was provoked to anger, the son of Barachel, the Buzite, of the kin of Ram, of the place of Ausis; and he was provoked to anger against Job exceedingly, because he sentenced himself as righteous before the lord.

32:3But even against the three friends he was provoked to anger exceedingly, for they were not able to answer contrary to Job; and they established him to be an impious man.

32:4And Elihu waited to give an answer to Job, for they were older than he in days.

32:5And Elihu saw that there is no answer in the mouths of the three men, and his anger was enraged.

32:6And undertaking, Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, said, Forasmuch as I am younger in time, and you are older; therefore I was still, fearing to announce to you the higher knowledge of myself.

32:7And I said, It is not time for speaking; but in many years men have not known wisdom.

32:8But there is a spirit in mortals, and the breath of the almighty is the one teaching.

32:9The long-lived are not wise as such; and neither do the aged know equity.

32:10Therefore I said, Hear me! and I will announce to you what I know.

32:11Give ear to my sayings! for I will speak in your hearing, as far as of which time you should examine the words;

32:12and until you shall perceive; and behold, there was no one reproving Job, in answering his words from you,

32:13that you should not say, We found wisdom being added by the lord.

32:14And you commissioned man to speak such words.

32:15And they were terrified. They answered not any longer; words were old coming from them.

32:16I waited, for I did not speak, for they stood, they answered not.

32:17And undertaking, Elihu says, Again I shall speak,

32:18for I am full of words, for the wind of the belly destroys me;

32:19and my belly is as if a leather bag of sweet new wine bubbling, being tied up; and as if the bellows of a brazier tearing forth.

32:20I will speak that I shall rest myself in opening my lips.

32:21For in no way shall I be shamed by man, and in fact, nor shall I in any way feel shame from a mortal.

32:22For I know not to admire a person; but if not, even moths shall devour me.