The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 33

33:1But in fact, hear, O Job, my words, and give ear to my speech!

33:2For behold, I opened my mouth, and my tongue spoke.

33:3My heart is pure in words, and the understanding of my lips shall purpose pure.

33:4The divine spirit made me, and the breath of the almighty is what is teaching me.

33:5If you should be able, give to me an answer for these things! Wait, stand against me, and I against you!

33:6From out of clay you were molded as also I; we were molded from out of the same clay.

33:7You shall not whirl about in the fear of me, nor shall my hand be heavy upon you.

33:8Except you said in my ears, I have heard the voice of your words, for you say,

33:9I am pure, not having sinned; for I am blameless, for I did not act lawlessly.

33:10But he found a complaint against me, and he has esteemed me as if an opponent.

33:11And he put my foot in stocks of wood, and guarded all my ways.

33:12For how say you, I am righteous, and he has not heeded me? For the one above mortals is eternal.

33:13But you say, Why of my righteousness has he not heeded every word?

33:14For when the lord speaks once, or a second time,

33:15sending a dream or in a nightly meditation, or as whenever an awful fear falls upon men, in slumberings upon a bed;

33:16then he uncovers the mind of men in sights of fear; with such he frightens them,

33:17to turn a man from iniquity, and he rescues his body from a calamitous downfall.

33:18And he spares his soul from death, and spares him so as to not fall in war.

33:19And again he reproves him by infirmity upon his bed, and he paralyzed a multitude of his bones.

33:20And in no way shall he be able to favorably receive any eatable grain, even though his soul desires food;

33:21until whenever his flesh should fester, and his bones should be exposed bare;

33:22and his soul approached unto death, and his life unto Hades.

33:23If there might be a thousand messengers causing death, one of them in no way shall pierce him, if he should purpose in his heart to turn towards the lord, and announce to man his own complaint, and should show his lawlessness;

33:24he shall hold him to not fall into death; and he shall renew his body as new plaster upon a wall; and he will fill up his bones with marrow.

33:25He will make tender his flesh as an infant, and he shall restore him to manhood among men.

33:26And one vowing to the lord, and it will be accepted for him; and he shall enter with a clean face, with an utterance of praise; and he will recompense righteousness to men.

33:27Even then shall a man blame himself, saying, What things have I completed? and he chastised me not worth what I sinned.

33:28Deliver my soul! to not come unto corruption, that my life shall see light.

33:29Behold, all these things the strong one works three ways with a man.

33:30And he rescued my soul from death, that my life in light should praise him.

33:31Give ear, O Job, and hear me! Be silent! for I myself shall speak.

33:32If there are words in you, answer me! Speak! for I want justice to be done for you.

33:33If not, you hear me! Be silent! and I will teach you wisdom!