The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 34

34:1And undertaking, Elihu says,

34:2Hear me! O wise men. O ones having knowledge, give ear to the good!

34:3For the ear tries words, and the throat tastes food.

34:4Judgment we should take up for ourselves; we should know between ourselves what is good.

34:5For Job has said, I am righteous; the lord has dismissed my judgment.

34:6And he lied in my judgment; my spear is violent without injustice.

34:7What man is as Job, drinking sneering as if water?

34:8Not sinning, nor being impious, nor wholly participating with ones committing lawless deeds, to go with the impious.

34:9For you should not say that there will not be an overseeing of a man -- and there is an overseeing of him by the lord.

34:10Therefore, O discerning of heart, hear me! May it not be to me before the lord to be impious, and before the almighty to disturb justice.

34:11But he gives back to man as each of them does, and by a path man will find him.

34:12And do you imagine the lord doing something out of place, or that the almighty will disturb a judgment -- the one who made the earth?

34:13And who is the one acting under heaven, and all the things being in it?

34:14For if he might want to constrain, and to hold down the spirit by himself,

34:15all flesh would come to an end with one accord. Every mortal shall go forth into the earth from where even he was shaped.

34:16But if he should not admonish, then hear these things! Give ear to the sound of words!

34:17Behold then the one detesting lawless deeds, and the one destroying the wicked, being eternally righteous.

34:18Impious is the one saying to a king, You act unlawfully, and saying, O impious one, to the rulers,

34:19who was not feeling of respect for the person of honor, nor knows to appoint honor to the stout men, to admire their persons.

34:20But it shall result in vanity to them, to cry out and to beseech a man; for they dealt unlawfully, turning aside the disabled.

34:21For he is an observer of the works of men, and nothing of how they act has escaped him;

34:22nor is there a place to hide for the ones doing lawless deeds.

34:23For he will not put upon a man any longer.

34:24For the lord inspects all; He is the one perceiving untraceable things, honorable things also, and extraordinary things which there is no number;

34:25the one knowing their works, and he shall turn night upon them, and they shall be humbled.

34:26And he extinguishes the impious, for they are visible before him.

34:27For they turned aside from the law of God; they did not recognize his ordinances,

34:28so as to bring unto him the cry of the needy; for he will listen to the cry of the poor;

34:29and he will furnish rest, and who will condemn? and he will hide his face, and who shall see him? even against a nation and against a man together;

34:30giving reign to a man who is a hypocrite, because of the discontent of people,

34:31that to the mighty one saying, I have received blessings; I will not take anything for security.

34:32I will see apart from myself; you show to me, if I practiced iniquity! then in no way shall I proceed.

34:33Will he pay it on you, in that you should have thrust it away; for you shall choose, and not I, and what you know -- speak!

34:34Therefore the discerning in heart shall say these things, and a wise man hears my word.

34:35But Job spoke not with understanding; and his words are not with higher knowledge.

34:36But in fact, learn Job! No longer give an answer as the fools,

34:37that we should not add upon our sins; for lawlessness may be imputed against us in speaking many words before the lord.