The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hosea 13

13:1According to the word Ephraim conceived ordinances himself in Israel, and appointed to Baal, and died.

13:2And now they proceeded to sin, and made for themselves molten castings of their silver, according to the image of idols, the works of fabricators being completed for them. They say, Sacrifice men, for the calves have ceased!

13:3On account of this, they will be as an early morning cloud, and as early morning dew going away, as dust being blown away from the threshing floor, and as a vapor from tears.

13:4But I the lord your God, I led you from out of the land of Egypt, and you shall not know a god besides me, and there is not one delivering besides me.

13:5I tended you in the wilderness in an uninhabited land.

13:6According to their pastures, so they were filled unto fullness, and they exalted their hearts; because of this they forgot me.

13:7And I will be to them as a panther, and as a leopard, according to the way of the Assyrians.

13:8I will meet them as a bear being perplexed, and I will tear up the enclosure of their heart; and the cubs of the forest shall devour them there; and wild beasts of the field shall pull them apart.

13:9In your corruption, O Israel, who will help?

13:10Where is this your king? and let him preserve you in all your cities! Let him judge you! whom you said, Give to me a king and a ruler!

13:11And I gave to you a king in my anger, and I sufficed in my rage.

13:12A confederacy of injustice; Ephraim -- his sin being hidden.

13:13Pangs as one giving birth shall come to him; he is your intelligent son, because now in no way should he stand in the destruction of children.

13:14From the hand of Hades I shall rescue them; from death I will ransom them. Where is your punishment, O death? Where is your sting, O Hades? Consolation is hidden from my eyes.

13:15For this, he will separate between brethren; the lord will bring up a burning wind from out of the wilderness upon him, and he shall dry up his arteries; he shall make quite desolate his springs; he shall totally dry up his land, and all his desirable items.

13:16Samaria shall be obliterated, for she withstood against her God. By the broadsword they shall fall, and the ones under their breasts shall be dashed, and the ones of them having one in the womb shall be torn up.