The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hosea 12

12:1But Ephraim is an evil spirit. He pursued the burning wind the entire day. He multiplied empty and vain things. And he ordained a covenant with the Assyrians, and traded olive oil in Egypt.

12:2And there is a case with the lord against Judah, to punish Jacob; according to his ways and according to his practices he will recompense to him.

12:3In the belly he caught the heel of his brother; and in his toils he grew in strength with God.

12:4And he grew in strength with the angel, and he prevailed; they wept and beseeched me; in the house of On they found me. There it was spoken to them.

12:5But the lord God almighty will be his memorial.

12:6And you shall return to your God; guard mercy and judgment, and approach to your God always!

12:7Canaan, in his hand is a yoke of iniquity; he loved to tyrannize.

12:8And Ephraim said, But I am rich, I have found respite for myself. All produce of his toils shall not be found in him, because of iniquities in which he sinned.

12:9But I, the lord your God, led you out of the land of Egypt; still I will settle you in tents as in the days of the holiday feast.

12:10And I will speak by prophets, and I multiplied visions, and by the hands of prophets I was likened.

12:11If Gilgal is not, then even rulers sacrificing in Gilgal were false, and their altars are as tortoise like heaps upon an uncultivated field.

12:12And Jacob withdrew into the plain of Syria, and Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he guarded sheep.

12:13And by a prophet the lord led Israel from out of the land of Egypt, and by a prophet he was guarded.

12:14Ephraim was enraged and provoked to anger, therefore his blood shall be poured out upon him, and the lord shall recompense to him his scorning.