The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Hosea 11

11:1Early they were disowned, the king of Israel was disowned; for Israel is an infant, and I loved him, and from out of Egypt I called back his children.

11:2As I called them back, so they moved from in front of me; they sacrificed to the Baalim; and to the carved images they burned incense.

11:3And I bound Ephraim; I took him upon my arm; and they knew not that I have healed them.

11:4In corruption of men I stretched them with the bonds of my affections. And I will be to them as a man slapping upon his cheek; and I shall look to him; I will prevail to him.

11:5Ephraim dwelt in Egypt, and Assyria he was his king, for he did not want to return.

11:6And he weakened by the broadsword in his cities, and he rested with his hands; and they shall eat of their own deliberations.

11:7And his people are hanging from the thing of his house; and God shall be enraged against his esteemed, and in no way should he exalt him.

11:8How shall I deal with you, O Ephraim? Shall I shield you, O Israel? How shall I deal with you -- as Admah? Shall I appoint you even as Zeboim? My heart shall be converted in the same thing; my repentance was disturbed.

11:9No way shall I act according to the anger of my rage. No way should I abandon Ephraim to be wiped away. Because I am God, and not man; the holy one among you, and I will not enter into the city.

11:10I shall go after the lord; as a lion he shall bellow; for he shall roar, and children of the waters shall be startled.

11:11They shall be startled as a bird from out of Egypt, and as a dove from out of the land of the Assyrians; and I will restore them unto their houses, says the lord.

11:12Ephraim encircled me with a lie, and the house of Israel and Judah with impious deeds; but now God knew them, and they shall be called a holy people of God.